Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
yeah I don't come around much these days, but managed to catch that one!

Sweden Rock was great, but man am I beat after.

Metaltown coming up Friday, might have to stay away from the beers this time.

Happy birthday Pablo!

I already feel beaten at my age, there for I have nothing but respect for a guy at your age still going to fests :D :p

Happy birthday Pablo!


W:O:A Metalmaster
2 März 2012
SH, Germany
Right now 3 metal fests in June feel like less of an awesome idea as it did a few weeks ago :D

But have already stated I will drink a lot less than usual on Tuska ;)

Pablo, hope your birthday is awesome!

I want to have more too. So unfair. I might not be able to go to Tuska after all so most likely it will be just one for me :(