Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
We could try to arrange that!
But if any Germans would show up???

We can do a brainstorm about that! :)

Just let's do it in Germany, I haven't been there since last november and I'm starting to miss it :cool:

Actually I was thinking of spending one week in Germany sometime in november-december, and visit some friends in Stuttgart and Braunschweig, and then head to Berlin. I wouldn't mind making another stop somewhere in the westernmost regions of Germany :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Just let's do it in Germany, I haven't been there since last november and I'm starting to miss it :cool:

Actually I was thinking of spending one week in Germany sometime in november-december, and visit some friends in Stuttgart and Braunschweig, and then head to Berlin. I wouldn't mind making another stop somewhere in the westernmost regions of Germany :)

What about Münster on 17 December? (Friday)
Moshpit. It is a big (German) forum meeting anyways! Kill 2 flies with one stone!
Just let's do it in Germany, I haven't been there since last november and I'm starting to miss it :cool:

Actually I was thinking of spending one week in Germany sometime in november-december, and visit some friends in Stuttgart and Braunschweig, and then head to Berlin. I wouldn't mind making another stop somewhere in the westernmost regions of Germany :)

Du mußt uns besuchen kommen! :)