Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Yeah! It left me exhausted. Thursday in Münster with other forumlers (Arva was also there), Friday in Braunschweig with some old friends from my time living there, and saturday in Köln with all of you. And shitloads of hours on the train in between. I'm too old for that, no wonder I was so kaputt on sunday morning :p

Never too old to party!
And it's not bad being broke (kaputt) afterwards.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
:eek: What's that I see? My all-time favourite Lieblings-Mitwohni is still alive in the forum! *knuddel*

And so is the Happy-Birthday-Thread! How did this one make it? I thought, all older and very long threads were deleted?! Does it mean that we didn't spam enough? :D

its not very big, and still active ;)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY PABLO!!! I'll drink one on you!