Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Punk is cool to rage on.I don't listen to it but I like those pits cause I allways fall on the grond and have lots of bruises.In summer we raged so I had fallen on the ground and when I stand up I made step and fallen down in front of group of some fuckers that were looking like fucking idiots on me :D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Originally posted by Mosherqueen
I sometimes like the music. But I don't really like the baby-punk people round here. They stink. :o :(
I don't mind drunk people if it's on parties and concerts, but I mind if it' 10 in the morning and the people are not older than 15. :(

Well most people into punk are those who are like 19 years old,some are younger,eventhough those people are like true punks,they ask poeple for money,looks really used,dirty and so on :D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Mosherqueen
I sometimes like the music. But I don't really like the baby-punk people round here. They stink. :o :(

Ah, there too? Last year, I was in Hamburg, waiting to get on the bus back to Wacken, and there were these German punk kids hanging around the bus. One guy (looked about 15-16) had this big ol' rat crawling all over him, and said something about "If anyone tries to fight me my rat will bite them!". And you could tell why the rat loved him - the kid stunk like an open sewer. :rolleyes:

Oh well, punk is way too fashionable over here. It's mostly just music for bratty teenagers anyway. When punk bands learn how to PLAY, they cease to be punk... and they become metal bands or pop bands. :D Newer Exploited and Misfits albums are straight up metal, haha.
Re: Re: Happy Birthday Pablo...

Originally posted by dittohead
only punk gig i went to was at a friends local gig....boring..
I was in London in -83, seeing One Way System, Exploited and three more bands. Very cool, "riot" police stopped the gig at the end, we was not denied alcohol in the bar and had a very funny time...:D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
Re: Re: Re: Happy Birthday Pablo...

Originally posted by Rock'n'Roll
I was in London in -83, seeing One Way System, Exploited and three more bands. Very cool, "riot" police stopped the gig at the end, we was not denied alcohol in the bar and had a very funny time...:D:D:D
i wasnt even born then :eek:!! :p:p:p

i guess the police was muuuch more brutal :D....and punk was better than..todays punk is shit


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Re: Re: Re: Happy Birthday Pablo...

Originally posted by Rock'n'Roll
I was in London in -83, seeing One Way System, Exploited and three more bands. Very cool, "riot" police stopped the gig at the end, we was not denied alcohol in the bar and had a very funny time...:D:D:D

Oh cool, I'd never heard One Way System before, until I got a 7" of them doing "Cum On Feel the Noize" before Quiet Riot came out with theirs...pretty cool actually. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Happy Birthday Pablo...

Originally posted by Rock'n'Roll
At that time every punk was a real punk. Today there's just a bunch of wannabees...:D:D:D

No kidding. It's all about fashion and 13 year old girls. I met the Madden twins from Good Charlotte a few weeks about a couple of brats who think their shit don't stink...that's real punk rock. :rolleyes: