Sodomy&Lust`s Birthdaythread

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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Yeah!! On wednesday beer for free in my uni, and yesterday I went to a metal pub with all my classmates to celebrate the end of the exams. 2€ a 0.90 l. beer glass :D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
Yeah!! On wednesday beer for free in my uni, and yesterday I went to a metal pub with all my classmates to celebrate the end of the exams. 2€ a 0.90 l. beer glass :D:D

Great stuff :D
We have the sedish midsummer here today, so 99% of the swedish population will drink alcohol today :p

My third day in a row :rolleyes:

It's almost ilke being 18 again :D
Sodomizy Birthday Mr. Lustynizer! :D

Originally posted by gnoff
We have the sedish midsummer here today, so 99% of the swedish population will drink alcohol today :p

Uh... and tomorrow you need all new furniture and stuff... as seen on the Ikea-commercial... :D :D

They should create a new one... Crazy swedish Metal guys celebrating Midsommar... and after that party you just won't need new furniture only... what about a new identity in a new city or a new life in another country? :rolleyes: :D :p : D :D

By the way: Viva sucks... Starting with the new Metallica-Video and after that this ugly Him-Boy who tries to make music... :( :o :D