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13 Mai 2009
Istanbul / Turkei
Sorry for my bad words.........

f**k you wacken......i felt like i was f**ked Wacken. f**kin..Rocks

Sorry but the organization failed this time.For your anniversary you didint even get your asses up from your bed.
I did my part to buy the ticket 10 months ago and what did you do...?


W:O:A Metalhead
15 Mai 2009
Yeah, it feels a bit... odd :| Sure, Slayer has different dates now and can't come to Wacken, but with the lack of an more extreme big band this year, one feels a bit screwed that Slayer now comes to the Rocks. Come on, Slayer is the bigger than all Thrash/Black/Death-Band that play at the real Wacken?!
24 Mai 2009
Slap in the face indeed, distinct lack of extreme metal at WOA and they book the Godfathers of extreme for their "sideshows".

What total DOGSHIT.


W:O:A Metalhead
25 März 2009
slayer haven't made a good album in like what though 10-15 years? who cares about the new one, if they where playing a classic slayer set ie seasons in the abyss and earlier i'd be down the front for the whole thing
the same thing could be said for In Flames... but In Flames headline WOA... anything strange ? :mad:
GET THEM WACKEN!! :rolleyes::(
Man, we agree once more (second time I guess).

Slayer for WOA ! F**k Wacken Rocks.
Amazing. Wacken Orga Hates Us All. :D
Wonderful ! :D
people could have a hard attack with this announcement
SLAYER AT WACKEN......... rocks!!!
I did had an heart attack yesterday evening. shit...

ans yeah BmfV do the trip to germany in the middle of their US tour with Slayer.
Slayer doesn't, WOA had a great failure here.


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Juli 2006
Sint-Oedenrode (Holland)
Slap in the face indeed, distinct lack of extreme metal at WOA and they book the Godfathers of extreme for their "sideshows".

What total DOGSHIT.

indeed, I saw Slayer and thought finaly some real good shit.
feels like a knife in my back.
the 4th time I will go to wacken, but the first time I don't realy like the line-up
long live to the beergarten :D


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Juli 2006
Sint-Oedenrode (Holland)
the same thing could be said for In Flames... but In Flames headline WOA... anything strange ? :mad:

Man, we agree once more (second time I guess).

Slayer for WOA ! F**k Wacken Rocks.
Wonderful ! :D

I did had an heart attack yesterday evening. shit...

ans yeah BmfV do the trip to germany in the middle of their US tour with Slayer.
Slayer doesn't, WOA had a great failure here.

or they are fooling us and try to realy make it special this year


19 Mai 2009
Doesburg, Netherlands

This is BY far the most f**ked up thing they did this year. They rape the main festival without mercy and to give a good stab in the back they announce SLAYER (heil!!:D) on a crappy small festival. The headliner of wacken rocks is better then the headliner on Wacken.

Wacken orga here is a message to you

F**K YOU God hates us all, but i hate you more now


12 Juni 2009
Ok great, we're really happy, perfect.

now give us some GOOD bands (death/black??) for WOA. What is this shit ? Sold out so we can put sucky bands?? Think there won't be a lot of people left on the 21th edition (if there ever will be one).

I foresee burning stages instead of burning tents the last night if no worthy band comes playing...

WOA organisation: you are ruining it, really
13 Mai 2009
Istanbul / Turkei
We are Pushing Bands in band suggestion section, nobody reads it from the organisation.
We are cursing to them,nobody cares.....
Last year the street names were ready and announced in this time.
ıI dont want to mention Slayer event it's really pissed me off
Why why why?
If someone reads it from the organisation,tell your boss that YOU ARE ALL FUCKED UP MONEYSUCKERS..............................
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
6 März 2009
I would say God Hates Us All is a pretty immense album (even if it took some time to come to that conclusion), that I actually care about a new Slayer album (even if Christ Illusion was far from good...)and that if you spread everything good across numerous different festivals, you dilute all of them rather than concentrating on one and making it as potent as it can be.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not one of these whingers who's spent the last six months pathetically bagging on every announcement the Wacken orgas have made and fair enough, Slayer physically cannot play Wacken as they're otherwise engaged but still. I believe that something cannot be focused on properly if there's a bunch of festivals being run concurrently. Just my opinion. Fuck Wacken Rocks. WOA's s'posed to be the flagship festival so treat it as such. If there's a chance to get a big name, get it for WOA...

fair enough comment that! I can't argue with you, you make a good point here. We all know salyer couldn't do WOA though an the people who bought WR tickets did get screwed a bit with the dates changing having slayer play will kinda make it up to them in some ways too.

Agreed after about 18months God hates us all did grow on me but I still only like a couple of songs off it... I'm not a slayer basher normally either I have bought everything they've ever releases special editions vinyls, all sorts, I stopped with christ illusion I didn't buy that. God hates us all wasn't up to the mark an then when I heard christ illusion it was abysmal... then I seen them live (for the 5th time) an they sucked. So i gave up lol! I'd certainly watch them if they came, better still if we would get a greatest hits set.

I also must say Diabolus in musica I preffered to either GHUA or CI, prefffered it to undisputed attitude and divin intervention too! But really for me you can't beat the first 5-6cds haunting the chapel through to seasons all where genius... then I think they jus ran outta good ideas maybe?!


23 Juni 2008
Brasov, Romania
Yes, it is!

First: they could have booked them long before they announced that tour;

Second: they booked BFMV. Guess what? They also play in that tour;

Third: If the Orga really wanted them, they would have come to a deal, just like BFMV. I'm pretty sure the band wouldn't mind rescheduling a few american dates around Wacken to other dates.


Tour announced January 27. If the Orga really cared about bringing them to Wacken they would initiate contacts in September. Guess what they did? From the 3 headliners of that tour, they contacted the shittiest: BFMV. They didn't even bother to bring at least one of the support acts...

They could even bring Slayer, Behemoth and Cannibal Corpse and the tour would stop for a few days, but they don't give a shit!

Well, if they do not care I will not care in 2010 to travel thousands of km for W:O:A. I have Metalcamp near.


W:O:A Metalhead
6 März 2009
the same thing could be said for In Flames... but In Flames headline WOA... anything strange ? :mad:

Actually I hate to admit it but you aren't very far off the truth there... maybe not 10-15 years as i dont think in flames have been around that long... but since clayman I dont know what they've been doing?!

I like 1-2 songs off each album since in cluding clayman. But before that album they where amazing! The newest album...sense of purpose is it? I think thats a bit better than previous efforts. luckily times I have seen them live before they have played the couple of songs I liked off each of the newer albums so the setlists where pretty good!

They always ruin it by playing the fucking my sweet shadow song.. I like to pretend that entire soundtrack to your escape album doesn't exist! Its so awful I can't describe it! Come clarity was slightly better... 2-3 good songs... new one about 3-4 good songs... at this rate in 3albums time they might be back to producing full cd's of great songs!


W:O:A Metalhead
6 März 2009
This said they're still a good live band though, an worth watching at wacken.

Also slayer aren't as much a part of wackens history as in flames are so thats one way to justify it!