Show racism the red card!

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10 Juli 2009
Valencia, Spain
That's great but...

I wish this idea was supported also by FC St Pauli. First of all -of course!- because I support this football team. And second -but most important- because this club is well known to have inclination against racism and xenophobia.

Will be there some red cards available in the Metal Bag? It would be nice, for example, asking the metalheads to show their red cards against racism in the pause between two concerts, so the party keeps warm :)


Alex / BarVader


4 Feb. 2009

Is it really impossible to have a metal festival WITHOUT politics? I was always happy to be away from the political circus when visiting a festival, ignore the few dumbfucks who still brought political messages and just enjoy the music with whoever happens to be around. Apparently, though, slapping "metalheads against racism" onto flyers doesn't attract enough attention to the message anymore.

Red cards in the full metal bags? Why would anyone need them?
  • To shove them into the face of someone who e.g. drops a coloured crowdsurfer after getting a boot to the head? That's hypocrite. Make a "no violence whatsoever" card and put that in the metalbag, so you can flash it at anyone who treats someone else badly, not just people treating someone of a different colour badly.
  • To flash them at coloured Wacken-goers in an attempt to show that you're not racist? That'd probably embarrass them, because you're still treating them differently. Saying hi and having a beer together would probably work much better to socialize, but I guess just being friendly doesn't suffice anymore and you MUST throw in politics in order to make friends.
  • To make contact with other people? I don't know about the rest of you, but if I want to talk to someone, I can bloody well do it without anti-racism, anti-handicapped-discrimination, anti-domestic-abuse or anti-long-queues-in-supermarket cards. And I would probably tell anyone who comes up to me holding such a card to take their political bullshit elsewhere.
  • How many of the tens of thousands of Wacken visitors read the site news regularly? I hope there would be something in the metalbag that clearly explains the meaning of the red card. Imagine holding up a red card, football-style, to a drunk person who doesn't use the internet much and doesn't know it's not an offensive gesture.

I think it's an idiotic idea that could've been ripped out of an educational kiddy TV programme, and I sincerely hope that this is purely a symbolic "Wacken doesn't condone racism" act without actual cards for the public. The last thing I want is people ruining my weekend by shoving politics up my bodily orifices.


10 Juli 2009
Valencia, Spain
Volucria schrieb:
Is it really impossible to have a metal festival WITHOUT politics?
I think respect and ideology are very different things, and not necessarily related one to each other. I was thinking about St Pauli as an anti-racist football team (since there are other football clubs supporting the red card project), not as a politically active association.

In fact, everyone can have its own ideas, but this does not mean that we share some principles. In the same way, we can have different ideas, religion, orientation, football team... but all of us are metalheads, aren't we? ;) This was why I proposed that.

Anyway... calm down and let us have a peaceful WACKEEEEEEN!!! :D

