Searching for our Neighbours from Finland!

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24 Aug. 2009
We are looking for our Finnish neighbors of Wacken 2011!
Although the e-mail addresses were exchanged we couldnt reach someone under this adress.
The whole group comes from Finland exept of one french guy.
It would be great to get contact to them again and share pictures.
So it would be so cool if someone could tell us whether he knows them.

Oh and if you read it yourself:
Fuck the Wacken, save the Umbrella!!!!

Wir suchen unsere finnischen Nachbarn von Wacken 2011!
Zwar wurden die Email-Adressen ausgetauscht aber es muss uns wohl ein kleiner Buchstabendreher unterlaufen sein.
Die gesamte Gruppe stammt aus Finnland bis auf einen Franzosen.
Da wir uns gerne nochmal mit ihnen in Kontakt setzen und Bilder austauschen würden wäre es toll wenn uns jemand sagen könnte ob er sie kennt.

Achja und falls ihr es selbst lest:
Fuck the Wacken, save the Umbrella


15 Mai 2012
I think that we were your neighbours..?

Well, our camp was at area far far away from festival site and it included me and six other friends from finland and one french friend. Six guys and two girls, and I cant recall to give e-mail address but maybe someone did. If you think you can recognise me from picture, go check me out in Facebook. My name is Jere Immonen and some of us will return this year again in Wacken so if we have met maybe we will meet again. I will ask my friends if they remember something about this too. This was pure luck to see your notice but that how it goes... In case we havent met, if you see finnish flag somewhere in the fields of corn this year, come check it out anyway... WOA RAIN OR SHINE \m/