searching for Hootchie

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6 Aug. 2007
I'm looking for a guy nicknamed Hootchie (I can't remember his real name). We met at the metal disco on saturday night and had a great time, but we left without exchanging phone numbers or e-mailadresses. I know he's from Switzerland and came to Wacken by car. He wore a leather jacket and had a red bandana in his hair. If somebody knows him, please let me know.

6 Aug. 2007
I don't think I am going to find him :(
but anyway, I think his real name is Thomas
I don't speak German, but maybe somebody who speaks German and English and has some time would like to translate it?
6 Aug. 2007
I don't think I am going to find him :(
but anyway, I think his real name is Thomas
I don't speak German, but maybe somebody who speaks German and English and has some time would like to translate the message?



I guess most people are able to understand your request ^^ But here's my translation nevertheless:

"Ich suche nach einem Kerl mit dem Spitznamen Hootchie (Ich glaube, sein richtiger Name ist Thomas). Wir haben uns Samstag Nacht in der Metaldisco getroffen und hatten eine Menge Spaß, aber wir sind aufgebrochen ohne unsere Telefonnummern oder E-Mail-Adressen auszutauschen. Ich weiß, dass er aus der Schweiz kommt und mit dem Auto zum Wacken gefahren ist. Er trug eine Lederjacke und hatte ein rotes Kopftuch im Haar. Wenn irgendwer ihn kennt, lasst es mich wissen. Danke!"

Best of luck, btw :)
6 Aug. 2007
thank you for the translation!

good luck to all the people who are looking for someone!

Is there anybody here who was also looking for a person they met at Wacken and actually found him/her?