Question Of The Day............

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W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
New Question.

What was the most romantic thing that you've done or done for you(Can't ya tell I'm bored LOL)?

I'd say when I sewed a pillow in shape of a certain monster for my that-time boyfriend and when I created this pic

Apart from lots of travelling just to be able to be with certain persons

To me... that was both by Andreas. First was when he picked me up at home 10km by bike at night during rain, because I had a fight with my parents, though the two of us had just had a fight before. Plus he offered me to move to his place that night.

Second, when I came home to by then Andreas' place and he had prepared everything really romatic in his room. Spelled my name with candles. That was the first evening he actually told me he loved me :)


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
I'd say when I sewed a pillow in shape of a certain monster for my that-time boyfriend and when I created this pic

Apart from lots of travelling just to be able to be with certain persons

To me... that was both by Andreas. First was when he picked me up at home 10km by bike at night during rain, because I had a fight with my parents, though the two of us had just had a fight before. Plus he offered me to move to his place that night.

Second, when I came home to by then Andreas' place and he had prepared everything really romatic in his room. Spelled my name with candles. That was the first evening he actually told me he loved me :)

Forgot one that happened just last week. That guy from my floor ran after me when I left a party at night and told me to take his cellnumber so I could call him when I arrived home. He just wanted to be sure I made it home savely, because I didn't want him to bring me :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
I made a path from the frontdoor through the house to his room with tealights
in his room I lit some more tealights and I had a bottle of childrens champagne (since we both are not big fans of real champagne)

and he walked in and said: I hoped you were naked on the bed



W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Juli 2008
I made a path from the frontdoor through the house to his room with tealights
in his room I lit some more tealights and I had a bottle of childrens champagne (since we both are not big fans of real champagne)

and he walked in and said: I hoped you were naked on the bed


Knock knock. Who's there?
Me again- still wondering why you're not naked. :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I made a path from the frontdoor through the house to his room with tealights
in his room I lit some more tealights and I had a bottle of childrens champagne (since we both are not big fans of real champagne)

and he walked in and said: I hoped you were naked on the bed

A shame for the end! :(

Bedankt Hervrouwen.
I could say the same, but I don't, and I won't!


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
okay this was an exercise from a lecture I just got out of...

say WWIII has broken out, bombs are flying, it's basically nuclear apocalypse. there's a shelter with supplies to keep 6 people alive for 3 months. 10 people want to get in... they are

-his pregnant wife
-hollywood actress
-olympic athlete
-college student
-2yr med student, militant
-armed policeman

you're part of some sort of survival team to figure out how to handle these situations. what would you do?