W:O:A Metalmaster
Original geschrieben von starlight
as a courtesy to this guy maybe someone can help?
thought we had here dudes at least from the saarland which is as a matter of fact not really close to trier, but maybe they know something that helps???
what wouldn't we all do for a FREE beer?!
i found this at google - maybe it could be better than techno (i've never been to trier):
Lucky's Luke (Luxemburger Strasse 6)
- Marilyn Manson to Type O Negative
Luxemburger Eck (Aachener Strasse 3)
- pop to heavy (?!?!)
Zum Augustiner (Lorenz-Kellner-Strasse)
- they just name "rock"
have fun!
Star? Supercool! At least one who helps some french metalheads ,,,
All you Trierers, organize these guys a REAL german metal night, and let not them do the inviting ...
@brutal-maniac: If you ever come to Hamburg, I'll show you the scene there. Are you sometimes at the laiterie in Strasbourg? I would so much like to go there again for a brutal metal event!
A votre sante!