depends.....Warthog schrieb:
dittohead schrieb:no fish yet?
I used the Windows calculator for the distance-to-the-sun question, didn't cheat anywhere else, and got 112dittohead schrieb:hehe ..i cheated a lot..used a dictionary....calculator...5minutes breaks
(for ppl who have no idea what we're talkign about
check this IQ test out -
its in english....i got 80.)
LEX schrieb:My parents are babzsitting mz birds while I am in Europe and I just got an e=mail that mz parrot is being VERy naughty. He can get pretty evil sometimes so I feel kinda guilty Hopefully mz parents won§t lose any body parts
crazy crazy crazy nights!LEX schrieb:Czech actually (after beer at that ) Sucks to be back home now
haha reminds me of the simpsons with the blind guy and the dead birdLEX
Dead parrots aren't much fun