PC/PSX games thread

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W:O:A Metalhead
1 März 2004
Holon, Israel
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Carpathian_Wolf schrieb:
Havent yet...you should check out painkiller and call of duty for the pc..very cool :D

Call of duty kicks some major ass . Painkiller is a pretty toy and not more then that ... it never gets 2 hard or impossible. it's a game with an AI for 3 year olds, unlike call of duty of course which keeps you in the game all the time, making you duck IRL when a mortar blows near you ... that's reality... anyways, try FARCRY. now that's a game. the best kind of game if u ask me ...


W:O:A Metalhead
1 März 2004
Holon, Israel
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Currently ...

Doom 3
Ground control II
Far cry
Warhammer 40k
Codename : Panzers ! phase 1

system shock 1 was much better then 2 . same about deus ex. the 2nd one sucked major dick.

waiting for half life 2 now and that Stalker game ...