Wackianne: mother of Supercharger and Shadowtear (mother-in-law of Carpathian_Wolf)
Morgenurin: father of Supercharger and Shadowtear (father-in-law of Carpathian_Wolf)
Lucretia:sister of Morgenurin and aunt of Supercharger and Shadowtear
Carpathian_Wolf: Father of Fuckedupcat (father in law for SUpercharger) and husband of Shadowtear
Supercharger:husband of Fuckedupcat and evil-twin brother of Shadowtear (and brother-in-law of Carpathian_Wolf)
Fuckedupcat:wife of supercharger, daughter of Carpathian_Wolf (sister-in-law of Shadowtear)
Shadowtear:evil-twin sister of Supercharger (sister-in-law and stepmother of Fuckedupcat)and wife of Carpathian_Wolf
gnoff:husband of codo grandpa of all
dittohead: our all auntie
codo der 3. :wife of gnoff and grandma of all