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1 Jan. 2008
ah total gayness...damn efficiant border patroll...bit harsh on the dutch too...just cause your from holland doesnt mean your a stoner haha


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
hells no, the longer im there the better, if ive learnt anythin from festivals its that all the fun is to be had in the camp sites, especially if im loaded with beer, oh btw, wats the policy on weed, are there usually cops floatin about cause well be in amsterdam the week before wacken, and well you know anyway haha

German police doesn't like it. Especially in Schleswig-Holstein state.

If you for instance drive a car with a Dutch licence plate, you're almost certain to be stopped. (but not always) And Schleswig-Holstein introduces border controls during wacken. (cusstoms)

yes they don't like it but you will only get a fine, and my mates are still waiting for it... but don't bring in more than 15 grams else you might get jail for being a dealer :p


1 Jan. 2008
ouch thats a bit harsh just for carryin some weed on ya, unless it was a shit load, half the cops here are just like yea gimme that and throw it in a puddle and walk on at most


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Nov. 2007
Toronto, Canada
I can only confirm it :rolleyes:

I double confirm it. Last year we were at Wacken a total of seven days (and there were tons of people that got there before us). It was a lot of fun. Wacken, for a lot of people, has become not only about the bands but hanging out and meeting and having drinks with other metalheads in a really awesome environment. The camping part is a big part of the experience and lots and lots of fun.

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
I double confirm it. Last year we were at Wacken a total of seven days (and there were tons of people that got there before us). It was a lot of fun. Wacken, for a lot of people, has become not only about the bands but hanging out and meeting and having drinks with other metalheads in a really awesome environment. The camping part is a big part of the experience and lots and lots of fun.

And still...who gave you the right to go there earlier than stated on the ticket/website/etc? It clearly says Wednesday morning, so why does everybody think he can do what he wants instead of respecting the rules?


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Nov. 2007
Toronto, Canada
And still...who gave you the right to go there earlier than stated on the ticket/website/etc? It clearly says Wednesday morning, so why does everybody think he can do what he wants instead of respecting the rules?

It's become a part of the tradition, and I'm not sure why there's such a big opposition to it. In fact, there could be profit in it for the organizers. Whether I stop doing it or the next guy does there's always going to be a very large group of people who do this. And it's become a part of the whole festival's experience and this and Wacken's more laxed rules is a part of what makes the festival so much better than so many other metal festivals out there. A great many people enjoy it.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
It's become a part of the tradition, and I'm not sure why there's such a big opposition to it. In fact, there could be profit in it for the organizers. Whether I stop doing it or the next guy does there's always going to be a very large group of people who do this. And it's become a part of the whole festival's experience and this and Wacken's more laxed rules is a part of what makes the festival so much better than so many other metal festivals out there. A great many people enjoy it.


If I go to Graspop on Thursday, I can be hell sure that I have to spend the night somewhere else. And no camping on the road, Belgian police is very strickt in it. You'll get a fine!

Why should you do the same in Wacken? Only because someone else is doing so too?

If I jump into a canal, will you jump as well?

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
It's become a part of the tradition, and I'm not sure why there's such a big opposition to it. In fact, there could be profit in it for the organizers. Whether I stop doing it or the next guy does there's always going to be a very large group of people who do this. And it's become a part of the whole festival's experience and this and Wacken's more laxed rules is a part of what makes the festival so much better than so many other metal festivals out there. A great many people enjoy it.

Wacken made the big mistake to not clearly follow their own rules at some point in the past. Today they are slowly forced to loosen their rules more and more just because nobody is sticking to the actual rules any more. Wait...nobody? That's wrong, but too many people just think they have the right to do what they want. The number of those who break the rules is so large nowadays that Wacken is simply forced to tolerate people like you because...what else could they do? Bring hundreds or maybe thousands of policemen to keep disappointed people from destroying the whole village? Wacken is too small for keeping thousands of metalheads outside the festival camping area for several days without severe problems.
Where is this supposed to end? People coming to Wacken early in July? Or maybe in June? May?

People who think they have the right to come too early are making the festival more expensive as the campgrounds have to be prepared earlier, just like toilets, showers, and everything else. They are also causing problems with the campground reservations as some of them even think they have the right to use those reserved spots of the campground. If all people were sticking to the rules the large groups with reservations would possibly have had a chance to camp with all of their members where they were actually supposed to camp, in spite of the bad weather.

Would you book a vacation with four nights in a hotel and then expect them to let you in four days earlier?

Just my two euros. ;)