Onkel Tom is back!

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W:O:A Metalhead
4 Nov. 2007
Toronto, Canada
ENOUGH german-singing bands ! Onkel Tom may be the best band with german lyrics on the line up but damn there's not only german metalheads at wacken XD

Oh no not German lyrics! Anything but German lyrics!:rolleyes: Hell knows I've done my share of complaining about this years lineup since it really isn't the best we've had, but I really don't get some of the complaints some people make. Personally I just want more black, death and thrash metal, whether "big bands" or not, but it seems there is a ton of people complaining that some bands aren't "big enough", that there are too many German bands, that some bands don't sing in the right fucking language. What a bunch of fucking princesses we have here. Well now they've added Anthrax. A huge band that sings in English and comes from the USA. Shall the masses rejoice or groan once more?

Anyways all I have to say is hell fucking yes for Onkel Tom. He hasn't been to Wacken for some years now and I've always been dying to see them live so it seems some of my wishes are coming true at least:p Wouldn't mind seeing Sodom again either of course.


21 Sep. 2008
Other stuff (...)

Anyways all I have to say is hell fucking yes for Onkel Tom. He hasn't been to Wacken for some years now and I've always been dying to see them live so it seems some of my wishes are coming true at least:p

Exactly! Well, even though I'm probably one of the above-mentioned princesses that tend to complain a lot :)D) I'm excited because of Onkel Tom! Although I can't say I've been dying to see them and that wishes are coming true, but hey, it's something.. :p