One ticket for sale.

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4 Feb. 2019
I changed my plans for the summer and won't be able to go, I'm selling it on ebay at the original price (220eur), no profit!
I wanted to post a link to the ebay page but I couldn't because I did not have enough content on this forum.
If you are interested I can send you the link through a message.

Buying/selling tickets through ebay is the most trustworthy way for both buyer and seller imo, because of the protection you get from ebay/paypal for the purchase + I use registered posting. I hope it is okay to post it on this forum, it would be a big help finding a buyer.
Thank you & cheers from Belgium.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Sorry, Ebay is not wanted here.
PayPal however is possible, even without Ebay! No link shall be shared with this board.

You respect the forum rules, therefore this thread is released.

Sorry, eBay is ongewenst hier. Je kunt PayPal wel gebruiken, ook zonder eBay.

Omdat je de forumregels respecterert, wordt deze thread vrijgegeven.
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.