One dead at Wacken 2005

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
monstrous schrieb:
Wacken: 37-Jähriger kommt bei Heavy-Metal-Festival ums Leben
Bei dem im schleswig-holsteinischen Wacken abgehaltenen "Wacken Open Air" ist es zu einem Unfall mit Todesfolge gekommen.
Ein 37-jähriger Besucher des Heavy-Metal-Großevents stürzte gegen einen laut Polizeiangaben mit Schrittgeschwindigkeit vorbeifahrenden Rettungswagen.
Mit schweren Kopfverletzungen wurde der angetrunkene Mann in ein nahegelegenes Krankenhaus gebracht, wo er verstarb.
Die Fahrer des beteiligten Rettungswagens und ein Begleiter des Unfallopfers trugen einen Schock davon.


Wacken: 37 year old dies at Heavy-Metal festival

At the festival in Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, an accident with deadly consequences occured.
A 37-year old visitor of the heavy-metal festival Wacken Open Air bumped against an ambulance, driving,according to the police, at walking speed.
The drunk metalhead was taken to the Itzehoe hospital with bad head injuries, of which he died afterwards.
The driver of the ambulance and the victim's company were at shock.

Source in German


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
As I mentioned in the Crap thread, an account for the widow will be opened by the organization of the WOA. They have so far spent €5,000.- . As soon as IBAN/BIC are known, I'll send the info on this thread, as there is probably no English translation available on the site.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Thordis V. schrieb:
I just got a mail with IBAN and BIC from the Wacken staff

IBAN: DE96222515800020000333
Adding info. In some countries the name and city is required.

These are the following data, concerning this account.
The account is owned by "Amtskasse Schenefeld"
City: Schenefeld
Countrycode: DE (Germany)
When typing the BIC, the bank's name should be "Landsparkasse Schenefeld". If not, you have to do that yourself.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Thordis V. schrieb:
I just got a mail with IBAN and BIC from the Wacken staff

IBAN: DE96222515800020000333

Myabe it's because I'm from Sweden, or just that I haven't had anything to do with this before, how do you use IBAN and/or BIC?

Is it an international thing you can work though your bank?

I heard about the death from Britta already on Sunday and I thought about the possibility to donate a bit of money.
I'm glad someone took it beoynd just thought and would like to help in any small way possible.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
gnoff schrieb:
Myabe it's because I'm from Sweden, or just that I haven't had anything to do with this before, how do you use IBAN and/or BIC?

Is it an international thing you can work though your bank?

I heard about the death from Britta already on Sunday and I thought about the possibility to donate a bit of money.
I'm glad someone took it beoynd just thought and would like to help in any small way possible.
The IBAN/BIC combination allows you to make international bank tranfers. (at the same cost as national bank transfers) Just go to your (local) bank, give them the order to book money on that particular IBAN-number (International Bank Account Number) and also give the BIC (Bank's International Code, used to be SWIFT) and they can make the transfer. Before I forget, only at "shared cost" basis, and only in EURO. (You only pay for the exchange from SKr to EUR)


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Quark schrieb:
The IBAN/BIC combination allows you to make international bank tranfers. (at the same cost as national bank transfers) Just go to your (local) bank, give them the order to book money on that particular IBAN-number (International Bank Account Number) and also give the BIC (Bank's International Code, used to be SWIFT) and they can make the transfer. Before I forget, only at "shared cost" basis, and only in EURO. (You only pay for the exchange from SKr to EUR)

Ok, can't use my bank then, they only deal in Swedish crowns, I'll find some other way to make it.

Thanks for the help.