Ok, this is officially the worst line-up ever

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W:O:A Metalhead
25 März 2009
2 weeks away, I hoped the line-up would've been fixed when I'm back and... it's not. :D

Well TL is over, too bad, I don't know what this "secret show" means...
Mago de oz is over : good news.

Still any hope that the running order gets a little better ?


W:O:A Metalhead
6 März 2009
No I have been working really long hours on really mixed up shifts I am now too tired to argue with you! lol I'l be revitalised by time for W:O:A though so maybe then I can shout at you :p Besides I have found a couple of really annoying thick people have started posting on here who required to be flamed ahead of you an now i'm all out!

10days till I fly out to Germany can't wait! :D:D:D Der holy wacken land awaits!