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W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Aug. 2003
eala frya fresena -HH-
Website besuchen
Original geschrieben von suspicious
ähh, neee! das erste!
mein Tipp war nach dem 3:0 schon schrottreif!
eigentlich sollte Bulgarien 3:2 gewinnen!
tja, immer schlecht, wenn man gegen seine Sympatien tippt!

viell mach ich das auch schon am freitag, mal schauen...muss mal rafael fragen...
ich bin eh schlecht fussi vernünftig einzuschätzen, ich mach das nur aus spass

@sulmi: grüss dani ganz lieb und olaf auch...büdde :)

@alle: meiner einer wandert jetzt ins heiabettchen...gehabt euch wohl, benehmt euch (ich will keine klagen hören!! ;)) und schlaft, wenn ihr es tut, tief und erholsam mit schönen träumen!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
6 Aug. 2003
Akielpulco, nicht weit weg von Kalifornien
Original geschrieben von Carpathian_Wolf
I was not impressed with beckham...he should have scored! the bastard! :mad:

Reminds me of that penalty he cocked up a couple of years ago. I guess it was 2002, or 2000 in the all-dominant penalty-shooting in some quarter-final...
What a wimp...

btw,are you also one of those bald, neckless pitbull-tattooed "football-fans" ;););)?
...sorry for my stereotypical way of seeing things sometimes.


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Original geschrieben von Judas
Reminds me of that penalty he cocked up a couple of years ago. I guess it was 2002, or 2000 in the all-dominant penalty-shooting in some quarter-final...
What a wimp...

btw,are you also one of those bald, neckless pitbull-tattooed "football-fans" ;););)?
...sorry for my stereotypical way of seeing things sometimes.

I dont follow football much except the world cup and european championships :D

And nope i dont look like i just escaped from jail ;) Unles you ever see football fans with long blonde hair and patch jackets :D:D:D:D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
6 Aug. 2003
Akielpulco, nicht weit weg von Kalifornien
Original geschrieben von Carpathian_Wolf

And nope i dont look like i just escaped from jail ;) Unles you ever see football fans with long blonde hair and patch jackets :D:D:D:D:D:D

As a matter of fact, i do know some of those...
But it is just too amusing to take the mickey out of the "typical" british fans. Sunburnt, in flip-flops, dismembering portuguese bars with French people in it...



W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Original geschrieben von Judas
Makes you sort of simpatico... for a "Briton"...

Don´t make yourself too scarce here, it´s nice to refurbish my English a little...

Kinda....I find it quite pointless to go in and trash a bar just because my countrys football team has lost!. You probably would have many people causing trouble and fighting. Its just all dumb really

We lose we lose :) on the other hand if we won, it would be nice. I dont hold much hope for that myself :D:D

Oh im sure ill be in here sometimes :D Nice to make new friends and i am fron Northern England so this thread can apply to me too :D
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