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25 Feb. 2008
Saw JFAC last night support Megadeth, they were awful, such uninspiring music. I saw a video with their singer who admitted that had had some negative crowd responses whilst touring with Megadeth and I can see what.

Dull, painful, total bovril


7 März 2008
You guys must be kidding!?
JFAC's new album does'nt even have breakdowns - where's the core in that?
I thought about going to the Metaltown-festival here in Sweden just because they played there. They're simply the main reason of why I'm going to Wacken this year.

And pleease don't call me poser, then I'll cut my self.. just kidding.
Seriously, I have at least one band I like in every harder genre,
from Converge and The Dillinger Escape Plan
to bands like
Hate Eternal, Impending Doom (yeye, gore).

So don't bother :)


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
You guys must be kidding!?
JFAC's new album does'nt even have breakdowns - where's the core in that?

So they don't play 'Doom' material live? Oh, they do? Then they're still deathcore. JFAC are as death metal as Trivium are thrash. Both bands are fundamentally missing the point, attempting to copy the sound of something that they don't understand, and proving themselves to be poseurs in the process.


7 März 2008
Of course the play songs from DOOM, partly because that what they became famous for, the fans who like DOOM might be dissappoionted.

And they've only released ONE full-length album, not so much material to hold a full-length concert on that ONE album.

I'm not gonna hang up on if they're death metal or not, BUT they're extremely talented musicians and very talentful songwriters - weather you like their music or not :)


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
I'm not gonna hang up on if they're death metal or not, BUT they're extremely talented musicians and very talentful songwriters - weather you like their music or not :)

I think this point can be argued too, I would suggest listening to the 'solos' again, and see how much talent there really is. There are hundreds, probably thousands, of death metal bands easily capable of writing a generic death metal album, as JFAC attempted to. And for the most part, I'm not interested in any generic death metal - there's just too much excellent DM out there to waste time with anything else.


7 März 2008
I think this point can be argued too, I would suggest listening to the 'solos' again, and see how much talent there really is. There are hundreds, probably thousands, of death metal bands easily capable of writing a generic death metal album, as JFAC attempted to. And for the most part, I'm not interested in any generic death metal - there's just too much excellent DM out there to waste time with anything else.

I don't understand how you know that they were acctually TRYING to write a generic dm-album? Of course other bands could write the same things, but still, their songs are not for beginners.

And the solo's - they might not be superduperhyperextreme-difficult, but to me it SOUNDS great, shit the same how hard it is to play or how original it is.


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
but still, their songs are not for beginners.

I agree, but 'not for beginners' is a world of difference away from 'very talented'. I suppose that such things are relative anyway, since there's always someone with more technical ability. But my point is that it is forgivable to dislike JFAC musically, without having to concede that they are talented. At they very best, I'd describe them as capable musicians, when compared to DM as a whole, which is essentially my whole beef with the band. Their new release is only talked about on the back of some horrid fucking Arctic Monkeys style break-through, when realistically, they're undistinguished.

I just can't see why anyone who has a clue about death metal would bother with them.


7 März 2008
I just can't see why anyone who has a clue about death metal would bother with them.

Why do you have to have a clue about death metal when you like the sound of a band? I dont think that we should categorize so much in metal. As i said before I listen to very different genres, and why do i have to ONLY like dm? I mean, I like death metal, and i like hardcore(no emo-shiet) so why not combine them? There are many supercool dm-bands out there, but JFAC fills up a hole that no pure dm-bands can fill :)


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Dez. 2006
You can like whatever you want. I've said before that I think that there is a place for these sort of bands. The place for such bands here in England is called Download, which only mildly confuses itself with being a metal festival. Fair enough if you like a mash-up of hardcore and death metal, but don't presume that metal heads who only like metal are going to look at the scene's newest starlets with rose tinted glasses.