mobile phones

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W:O:A Metalhead
14 Juni 2005
Manchester, UK
holy crap! i thought you were a chic from that previous comment! dude, you can and will go without a straightner, don't be soft!!

if all else fails just shave ya head, s'what i did! :D
25 Juni 2006
Metal_Ste schrieb:
holy crap! i thought you were a chic from that previous comment! dude, you can and will go without a straightner, don't be soft!!

if all else fails just shave ya head, s'what i did! :D

Wouldn't mind having a skin'ead, but that would mean I wouldn't be able to headbang. ;)

I'm leaving to go to the airport in just over an hour. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Pogany schrieb:
I think you will die by this thing :) You aren't a real hardcore person.

ARE YOU KIDDING? THIS GUY IS FUCKING HARDCORE!! He is actually gonna stand in the middle of fucking wacken surrounded by drunk metalheads and USE A HAIRSTRAIGHTENER! :D:D:D:D RESPECT!!!


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Nov. 2005
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Metal_Ste schrieb:
holy crap! i thought you were a chic from that previous comment! dude, you can and will go without a straightner, don't be soft!!

if all else fails just shave ya head, s'what i did! :D
Or keep it pulled back the whole time. Mine is long, and I am a chick but who the fuck cares-it is camping! I have camped all over the US. It is only 3 days or so so I'll try to do my best with a comb, if not will keep it in a pony and deal with it back home. Be sure to get it good and drenched with water every day at the showers-that will keeep big knots away-and bring a good condotioner, or maybe one of those you can put on dry hair.
(Dare me to say it?? Okay, I will anyway....) Dude, don't be like my mom and sis. Roughing it is just that. You WILL live to see the next week and so will your hair. (and this is coming from a chick!) :p


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Nov. 2005
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Zombi schrieb:
ARE YOU KIDDING? THIS GUY IS FUCKING HARDCORE!! He is actually gonna stand in the middle of fucking wacken surrounded by drunk metalheads and USE A HAIRSTRAIGHTENER! :D:D:D:D RESPECT!!!
Someone once said (he wore makeup onstage) "It takes a REAL man to wear makeup! I mean if you do you are going to be given fucking shit right and left and to take that kind of abuse you haveto have some balls!"


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Nov. 2005
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Zombi schrieb:
well You can't shove said objects randomly up people's assholes without asking.
True..but according to one couple here in the states you can shove them down your girl's throat and try to choke her. But he denies it, says he wanted to make a call on her phone that she did not want him to make so she swallowed the mobile phone so he could not use it. Not sure who is telling the truth here-both stories are pretty out there....but this is one for the Stupid People Thread, not here.