Missing Forum Folk?

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W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
Re: Re: Missing Forum Folk?

Originally posted by PsychicVeteran
[color=03285B] I think some people have had (technical) trouble posting :o [/color]

[color=03285B] And Britta was one of them... :o [/color]

yeah, thats true, but I´m still able to access the forum with fucking Netscape :rolleyes:
Dunno why I haven´t been here the last days, somehow I´m stuck to the German forum :rolleyes: just laziness or so ;)
But Suwi for example isn´t able to acess the page at all :mad:

and Kroppus told me some time ago it´s too much spamming in here so he lost the interest to post here...


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Rosk won't come to Wacken this year because he has plenty of thigs to do at work, maybe he's too busy right now and prefers to do more useful stuff than spamming the forum :D:D

LordWalter has a new gilfriend, so he might be very busy as well :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
Rosk won't come to Wacken this year because he has plenty of thigs to do at work, maybe he's too busy right now and prefers to do more useful stuff than spamming the forum :D:D

LordWalter has a new gilfriend, so he might be very busy as well :D

a new one??

wait a second.. I missed that

but his girlfriend in Argentina.. what... I have to talk to him...