Mescal Delivery??

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W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Originally posted by Lucretia
well - who the fuck needs German beer in Mexico? There is enough tasty Mexican beer on my opinion... (Löwenbräu and Holsten, for your German lessons, Rosk ;) )
And who wants to drink German wine if Chilenean for example is easier to get?
Jägermeister is available in the whole world anyway....
And Sauer, yes, OK, this might be an idea :D

*not really convinced*
Hell sorry but who cares if YOU are convinced depends if the Mexicans WANT the products...

Here in english about German Beers...

P.s. I also like Mexican Beers.. but at least German Beer has some reputation in the World and remember it is EXOTIC in MEXICO...or isn't it??


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Oh here I found something about the Mexican Market
The market for alcoholic beverages in Mexico has increased steadily in all categories since the late 1990s, reaching 5.4 billion litres (L) in 2001. Long-term growth in consumption of all alcoholic drinks is expected to persist as the Mexican economy continues to strengthen. The country's growing population, improved distribution structure and growing sophistication of consumer preferences are additional factors expected to lead to a growing market for alcoholic beverages. By 2006, the market is expected to increase 20% from 2001 totals.

Opportunities are particularly strong for imports of whisky, wine and flavoured alcoholic beverages (FABs). Although the beer market is expected to grow by 20% over the next five years, the import market is limited due to the strength of domestic producers, which command approximately 99% of sales. Nevertheless, demand for standard lager is expected to increase significantly and may provide the best entry point for Canadian beer exporters.

Okay it says Canadian because Canadians wrote it..
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Well I think Lucretia might have a good point here. Of course German beer has a lot of reputation all over the world, but it might be a little bit too expensive for the average beer consumer in Mexico, and that beer consumer is really used to mexican beers, don't know if it could really work as a "novelty". I guess some kind of liquor would fit better on that category. I think it could work if we sell it on "fancy" specialized stores for rich consumers....

@Lucy: Thanx for the german lessons!! ;) :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Originally posted by Rosk
Well I think Lucretia might have a good point here. Of course German beer has a lot of reputation all over the world, but it might be a little bit too expensive for the average beer consumer in Mexico, and that beer consumer is really used to mexican beers, don't know if it could really work as a "novelty". I guess some kind of liquor would fit better on that category. I think it could work if we sell it on "fancy" specialized stores for rich consumers....

@Lucy: Thanx for the german lessons!! ;) :D
Yeah I also was really thinking about a the high price segment..beacause we wouldn't be able to start of with mass shipment.....and anyway if people are rich we don't hurt them by taking higher prices..:D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
Originally posted by Suwarin
Yeah I also was really thinking about a the high price segment..beacause we wouldn't be able to start of with mass shipment.....and anyway if people are rich we don't hurt them by taking higher prices..:D:D:D

OK, liquor specialities then? :)


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Originally posted by Suwarin
Yeah I also was really thinking about a the high price segment..beacause we wouldn't be able to start of with mass shipment.....and anyway if people are rich we don't hurt them by taking higher prices..:D:D:D

I think our target would be the snob part of the market. ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
30 Mai 2002
Monterrey, Mexico
Originally posted by Suwarin
High Price Segment was a kind of aim at the snobs..but
“A person who pays a high price for a bottle of wine may own a very cheap watch”

Yeah, you're right..... let's call it "specialized market" then (as Lucy already said) :)

@Shizzo: Ok.. solve your problems
Originally posted by Suwarin
Uhm... Folks I think I found something interesting ..I think it might be easier to EXPORT Alcohol TO MEXICO...
Just a short one (I haven´t read it all yet:( )
I guess Importing from Mexico will be much better, because there it is cheaper and here is much more money to spent for this kind of things amoung the population...
It´s a good idea trying export to Maxico - but I think let´s wait until we´ve got something first.
Luxury is much easier to sell here and that what it is...

What do you say?