W:O:A Metalmaster
Originally posted by monochrom
*Looks extremly sharp and winks at the bride*
Originally posted by monochrom
*Looks extremly sharp and winks at the bride*
Originally posted by codo der 3.
Originally posted by gnoff
Then we can start
We are gathered here today for this unholy union between our metal brother and family member wolfie and his lovely bride and metal sister and also family member shadow.
Does anyone have any objections to why theese two should not be married?
Speak now or forever hold your peace...
Originally posted by Wackianne
*wears the most horrible dress of them all*
(have to stick to the mothers role)
*enjoys the ceremony sighing and weeping*
Originally posted by gnoff
ehrm, hmm, sweet wife, not now, they are getting married...
Originally posted by monochrom
*Keeps his mouth shut and thinks about sex*
Originally posted by gnoff
Where was I, oh right...
Wolfie, do you take this shadow to be thy lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, love and cherish, and try and keep the noise down from the steel filled you-know-what, for as long as the world shall be??
Originally posted by codo der 3.
Originally posted by codo der 3.
ähm, i have something to say
Originally posted by gnoff
Where was I, oh right...
Wolfie, do you take this shadow to be thy lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, love and cherish, and try and keep the noise down from the steel filled you-know-what, for as long as the world shall be??
Originally posted by Shadowtear
There is something you have to say against our wedding ????