Looking for 2 stolen tickets

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22 Juni 2009
Hi all,

if anyone here bought two tickets with the following numbers from someone in Switzerland: 43353 and 43354
please advise me. Don't panic, you can keep them, I would just like to know where, when and from whom you bought them. They were stolen from a friend of mine. You can stay anonymous, but if you've got them, please help us finding the thief! We already have a strong suspicion who it is, so we need proofs!

Thanks very much, staffi


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hi all,

if anyone here bought two tickets with the following numbers from someone in Switzerland: 43353 and 43354
please advise me. Don't panic, you can keep them, I would just like to know where, when and from whom you bought them. They were stolen from a friend of mine. You can stay anonymous, but if you've got them, please help us finding the thief! We already have a strong suspicion who it is, so we need proofs!

Thanks very much, staffi

Wie gesagt, viel Erfolg.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Hi all,

if anyone here bought two tickets with the following numbers from someone in Switzerland: 43353 and 43354
please advise me. Don't panic, you can keep them, I would just like to know where, when and from whom you bought them. They were stolen from a friend of mine. You can stay anonymous, but if you've got them, please help us finding the thief! We already have a strong suspicion who it is, so we need proofs!

Thanks very much, staffi
Got my ticket from the store but I wish you good luck