last minute: cant understand directions

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W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
I looked on the main page where it sais journey but its so confusing. It mentions a shuttle takes you to the wacken site but then sais that the shuttle takes you to a train!? i cant understand this.
can someone tell me the easiest way to wacken from hamburgs main airport, im flying in from NJ.

Can i catch a train from right inside the airport? and then what?

also can anyone give me the names of 1-2 hostels in the area (in Hamburg). thanks


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
I looked on the main page where it sais journey but its so confusing. It mentions a shuttle takes you to the wacken site but then sais that the shuttle takes you to a train!? i cant understand this.
can someone tell me the easiest way to wacken from hamburgs main airport, im flying in from NJ.

Can i catch a train from right inside the airport? and then what?

also can anyone give me the names of 1-2 hostels in the area (in Hamburg). thanks

read the sticky


W:O:A Metalhead
11 Dez. 2008
NJ "garbage state"
i cant sift through 500 posts to find the answer. you people are on this forum 23 hours of the day why cant someone just answer it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Kate McGee

W:O:A Metalgod
13 Aug. 2002
i cant sift through 500 posts to find the answer. you people are on this forum 23 hours of the day why cant someone just answer it.

Can't you just read the first post of the sticky? :confused: Will help you a lot.
Here it is. Just skip the part "From Lübeck Airport to Hamburg City".
The part with the shuttle prices and the timetable might be out of date, but you'll definitely find the shuttle bus. There's soooo many metalheads in Itzehoe who are all going there.

Later on in the same thread, you'll find answers to many other important questions - there's a search function inside each thread.

Regarding hostels... I don't know any. But the search function does. The beginning of this thread is quite old, but hostels and hotels don't disappear that easily, I guess. Just check the websites to find out if they're still existing.

You know - these are real "frequently asked questions". And the sticky is our service to answer your FAQ, as "just answering" again and again is shitloads of work. ;)
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5 Juli 2009
I looked on the main page where it sais journey but its so confusing. It mentions a shuttle takes you to the wacken site but then sais that the shuttle takes you to a train!? i cant understand this.
can someone tell me the easiest way to wacken from hamburgs main airport, im flying in from NJ.

Can i catch a train from right inside the airport? and then what?

also can anyone give me the names of 1-2 hostels in the area (in Hamburg). thanks

1. you can catch a local train (s-bahn) from inside airport to hamburg main station (hamburg-hauptbahnhof)
2. from there (or via hamburg-altona..just ask the guys at the ticket counter, they speak your language) you can travel to wacken via ITZEHOE (from Itzehoe there are shuttles to the festival area and you just connect to all the metalheads running around there.. and possibly you will meet the metalhead at hamburg main train station already)..
3. as we dunno when you are arrving we cannot tell you if shuttles directly from the HAMBURG airport are already availabe .. there are direct shuttles to the festival area
4. it is high holiday season and hamburg does not have so many hostels .. if you need a place to stay, I know somebody who is offering bed & breakfast near to the Hamburg main train station ( 'Hauptbahnhof') if you are interested i can get you the contact details ( just drop me a line pm..)
5. alternatively: just ask the people: hamburg is a place where your language might be unterstood ( ~ 90 %)
6. good luck & have fun
7. hamburg and the north area of germany is not homophob at all, the first major of the free and hanseatic city of hamburg is gay and nobody care about it :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
is it necessary to call guests to our country lazy shitheads ? calm down

I'm also a guest in your country, last year was the first time for me... and guess what? I read the FAQ. I also used google translator to know how to use the transport.

I arrived by myself to the fest. Even with some good friends done in the way. But people don't read a shit (and that's a fact, 'cause how get to wacken is in the first page in the FAQ post!). And those who ask without reading, only need one answer: RTFM (Read The Fucking Manual).


5 Juli 2009
I'm also a guest in your country, last year was the first time for me... and guess what? I read the FAQ. I also used google translator to know how to use the transport.

I arrived by myself to the fest. Even with some good friends done in the way. But people don't read a shit (and that's a fact, 'cause how get to wacken is in the first page in the FAQ post!). And those who ask without reading, only need one answer: RTFM (Read The Fucking Manual).

somehow you are right. but as i was travelling a lot in my life and sometimes if got lost and was happy about getting help it makes no sense to call somebody a lazy shithead. and in fact: even me, understanding german, im sometimes a little bit confused on this website. ( maybe because i'm blondes, and there a jokes about blondes being stupid *lol*)

have fun !