Last film you saw at the movies?

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W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
LooseCannon schrieb:
I thought the 1st one was better.The 2nd film is right behind it,though.

Me feelings were that the first one had a thin story and relied mostly on a bunch of zombies running around trying to kill people.

In the second one the main characters at least has a goal other then surviving the first 30 minutes.

But I do accept that you have other opinions than me :)


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Dez. 2004
Mitten im Pott
gnoff schrieb:
Got back after watching "Fahrenheit 9/11" again.

Still amazes me that they elected that bastard one more time.

Four "MOORE" years! ;)

Stupidity never dies! On any given day rises a jerk, who will pay your bills - you just gotta find him! :p
A little bit off topic, but anyway! Greetz to Sverige!


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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The lovers and the murders...(milenci a vrazi in Czech) of the best movies I have ever seen. It is about people who lives in one house in one city. Its about irony in life. Everybody fuck everyone...well it aint about sex only, but about that people cant be happy eventhough they become rich, about misunderstanding, lack of love and that you will end up where you came from. It is an awsome story by one famous writer.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 Aug. 2002
Baltimore,Maryland USA
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Can we add DVD's & videos to this topic?

I just taped off of HBO "Ginger Snaps(a great "Werewolf" movie)".It's fucking great.I rented "Ginger Snaps 2-Unleased" on DVD.It's also prtetty damn good.Going back to Blockbuster & rent "Ginger Snaps 3" for the week end.

You see these movies at the local DVD/Video rental place,give them a chance.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
LooseCannon schrieb:
Can we add DVD's & videos to this topic?

I just taped off of HBO "Ginger Snaps(a great "Werewolf" movie)".It's fucking great.I rented "Ginger Snaps 2-Unleased" on DVD.It's also prtetty damn good.Going back to Blockbuster & rent "Ginger Snaps 3" for the week end.

You see these movies at the local DVD/Video rental place,give them a chance.

I did see "Ginger Snaps (1)" at the movies a few years ago, it was like you say pretty damn good!
Nice to see a modern werewolf movie that can compete with the older ones.