Lamb of God

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Lamb of God

  • Yes

    Stimmen: 33 86,8%
  • No

    Stimmen: 5 13,2%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer


7 Aug. 2018
Lamb of God

Also known as Burn the Priest (1994-1999, 2018)
Origin: Richmond, Virginia, US
Genres: Groove Metal, Thrash Metal, Metalcore, Heavy Metal
Years active: 1994-present
Members: John Campbell, Chris Adler, Randy Blythe, Mark Morton, Willie Adler

Lamb of God is an American heavy metal band from Richmond, Virginia. Formed in 1994 as Burn the Priest, the group consists of bassist John Campbell, drummer Chris Adler, vocalist Randy Blythe, and guitarists Mark Morton and Willie Adler. The band is considered a significant member of the New Wave of American Heavy Metal movement.
Although Lamb of God's genre is a major point of disagreement among fans and critics alike, they are primarily considered groove metal.


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[MEDIA = youtube] HL9kaJZw8iw [/ MEDIA]
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Jens Delay

W:O:A Metalhead
13 Aug. 2018
Wenn sie sich denn mal wieder nach Europa trauen :) 2013 war megageil und die Ausrede 2016 war mehr als peinlich ^^