Just wanted to say hi

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Well I do not know when I will go to Wacken again, but I just wanted to know what has changed over here :D

Well, many of the "old" gang (die Münsteraner at that time) aren't going anymore, the "Hamburger" aren't with many either and so on.

There's always new people from the forum that are going, but that's about it.

And as the non German concenred, I was the ONLY one camping on the forum camp 2yrs ago, with LooseCannon. The other bunch (LEX, Carpathian Wolf, Warthog etc. isn't going anymore (as far as I know!)

But there's still a bunch of the "old ones" that are still active on the forum. (German part)

O ja, me=not going either.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Well, many of the "old" gang (die Münsteraner at that time) aren't going anymore, the "Hamburger" aren't with many either and so on.

There's always new people from the forum that are going, but that's about it.

And as the non German concenred, I was the ONLY one camping on the forum camp 2yrs ago, with LooseCannon. The other bunch (LEX, Carpathian Wolf, Warthog etc. isn't going anymore (as far as I know!)

But there's still a bunch of the "old ones" that are still active on the forum. (German part)

O ja, me=not going either.

and a few on are still active on the international board, but not very active..