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W:O:A Metalhead
31 März 2003
Sundsvall, Sweden
Originally posted by ^witchfinder^
how expensive is the beer in Sweden ?
i will be in Stockholm in October hmm hopes it aint too expensive but then us english are used to paying around £2.20 for a decent pint of export lager
in cans it is a bit cheaper at around £1.10 each for decent export stuff

It differs.. if you buy them out on a pub or so it can be expensive. But in systembolaget (Sweden got a governmental monopoly on alcohol and it is not selled anywere else)
they can be quite cheap.. about 10-20 SEK (About £1-2.50) per bottle/can
depends on brand and if it is light/dark lager, Ale or special beers.. but it is okey prices anyway! :D


W:O:A Metalhead
31 März 2003
Sundsvall, Sweden
Originally posted by ^witchfinder^
thanks hmm £1 - £2.50 is not that bad i guess
i bought some Norrlands Guld yesterday at Ikea ....this stuff is great :) any other good Swedish beers i should try ? i really want to try the Finnish beer Lapin Kulta too

hmm.. there is lot of swedish beer! :D
Norrlands Guld is totally ok, so is Lapin Kulta. They are both cheap to get in Sweden!
Åbro is a nice beer, also Mariestad! They are cheap and comes in different variations! :)
Just ask someone to come with you to systembolaget and have fun there!! It is lovely to walk around and choose.. MUCH alcohol on the same place.. hehe


W:O:A Metalhead
31 März 2003
Sundsvall, Sweden
Originally posted by ^witchfinder^
thanks i will check out those beers that you mentioned
i remember Gnoff telling me on the forum how good Norrlands Guld was ...and when i saw some in the Swedish shop in Ikea i had to get some ....bought some Elk meat sausage too :)

Elk meat sausage?? that sounds hidious!
I tell you that my mother´s steak made of Elk is lovely!!!
Elk rulez!!!


W:O:A Metalhead
Originally posted by FuckedUpCat
Elk meat sausage?? that sounds hidious!
I tell you that my mother´s steak made of Elk is lovely!!!
Elk rulez!!!
haha well i thought it sounded great ...aint tried it yet gonna save it till after Wacken

*I WANNA SEE AN ELK WHEN I COME TO SWEDEN* and if i dont i am gonna eat lots of Elk meat hehehehe

tried Kanelbullar too i love it ...and swedish meatballs rule


W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Originally posted by ^witchfinder^
how expensive is the beer in Sweden ?
i will be in Stockholm in October hmm hopes it aint too expensive but then us english are used to paying around £2.20 for a decent pint of export lager
in cans it is a bit cheaper at around £1.10 each for decent export stuff
Expect small pints and not-so-decent lager, especially at the cheaper places. Bottled beer is often better to stick to. Be on the lookout for the really good local beers, however; Heaven, Hell and Nils Oscar.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by ^witchfinder^
how expensive is the beer in Sweden ?
i will be in Stockholm in October hmm hopes it aint too expensive but then us english are used to paying around £2.20 for a decent pint of export lager
in cans it is a bit cheaper at around £1.10 each for decent export stuff


If you want to buy beers at "systembolaget" you will pay very different prices depending onwhat you want.

You want swedish lager I guess you will pay about

1 euro per 33 cl bottle.

and between 1 and 1.50 euro per 50 cl can.

You go out to pubs you will pay for one 40 cl glas of beer between 2 and 5 euro, depending on where you go and what you want to drink.

In Stockholm I always recommend Kelly's at Folkungagatan, they sell the "weekly" bottled loger (33 cl) for about 2 euro, normal price for one bottled beer is otherwise about 3.50 to 4 euro.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by ^witchfinder^
thanks i will check out those beers that you mentioned
i remember Gnoff telling me on the forum how good Norrlands Guld was ...and when i saw some in the Swedish shop in Ikea i had to get some ....bought some Elk meat sausage too :)
cool :D

You've tried Norrlands Guld :)

I have a nice pic of me and Ray sharing a Norrlands Guld at Katta's place :)


W:O:A Metalhead
31 März 2003
Sundsvall, Sweden
Originally posted by ^witchfinder^
haha well i thought it sounded great ...aint tried it yet gonna save it till after Wacken

*I WANNA SEE AN ELK WHEN I COME TO SWEDEN* and if i dont i am gonna eat lots of Elk meat hehehehe

tried Kanelbullar too i love it ...and swedish meatballs rule

Hmm.. In Stockholm the chance of meeting an elk is minimal! *knows* But you can always try... ;) they are majestic creatures.. Simply lovely (seen a bunch in my days)
Elk meat is hidiously expensive but it is worth it!! Taste lovely!!!

ahhh.. Bullar.. Ray loves them also.. *grins* He could have eaten them 10 times a day I think! *lol*
And yeah, meatballs are cool.. Köttbullar!! he he he


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by ^witchfinder^
haha well i thought it sounded great ...aint tried it yet gonna save it till after Wacken

*I WANNA SEE AN ELK WHEN I COME TO SWEDEN* and if i dont i am gonna eat lots of Elk meat hehehehe

tried Kanelbullar too i love it ...and swedish meatballs rule

Well, in Stockholm seeing an Elk will be difficult, maybe if you go to Skansen where they have wild animals.
Don't know if that is open the year round though.


W:O:A Metalhead
@ fuckedupcat thanks for the advice ....so it looks like i wont be seeing an elk then :(
will just have to eat some instead :)
hell yeah Kanelbullar rule and swedish meatballs with cream sauce are just amazing

cheers gnoff for the info about Kellys i will have to check it out
gnoff was it you that said that Warsteiner beer was good ? i will have to buy some at the Wacken supermarket


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Originally posted by ^witchfinder^

cheers gnoff for the info about Kellys i will have to check it out
gnoff was it you that said that Warsteiner beer was good ? i will have to buy some at the Wacken supermarket

Yes, I think Warsteiner is very good. The best is that it is good while warm also :)