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W:O:A Metalhead
29 Juni 2002
Website besuchen
Irish Contingent.

Fucking Right it sucks.
We are going to Wacken about a week Early.
Leaving the 26th and returning the 6th.
So we are hopefully going to be checking out those Metal Bars in Hamburg.:)

We are gonig with Lufthansa (spelling ?) and its going to cost us €280 to get into Hamburg City airport.

At lest we dont have to think about getting a stinking bus/taxi from Luebic.

As far as I know, the Irish Group usually all meet up and camp in the same place during the festival although we probably wont be going near them.Sleep is actually valuable in Wacken.:)

Check out the Wacken thread on and you will see that there are a good few of us going. Well the ones that boasted about their flights anyway. :)