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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
It was explained it wasn't possible for the reason that spambots could spam 100x in a minute. (and the mods weren't really in favour of that)

It's somewhere here in this thread.
Correction: In the German thread.
Sorry. :o

Well I don't know how the technical stuff of the forum goes, but I imagine you could impose limits that prevent excessive spambot pots but still reduce the 30second limit. Have a max posts per minute, or a 5-10sec rule instead, etc. Or only users with 100/1000/however many posts can post faster. I know one forum prevents you from posting links under 100 posts, so it could be doable.


18 Jan. 2012
I'd say you should not only get rid of the "Off-topic" and merge it with "Talk", but also the Videogames/computer, Movies, and the Board meetings. They're basically never used, and threads that would belong there often end up here anyway.
This is exactly what we planned. :D
Please check the German boards, we did this there now.

The offtopic was included in the talk, because they are basically the same.
The Computer, Videogames and Movies Boards are fused and became the media forum. What do you think about it? We can do the same here.

But at the moment, we will keep the board meetings, at least in the German boards.
As for separating the threads about festivals from here, I can see some of the reasoning behind that. But I think even the "Music" subforum can be merged with "Talk", since without the festivals, it's really no different than the "Movies"/etc subforums. But I'd agree with the others that the threads about festivals fit better here, rather than pushing them off elsewhere. Particularly on the international side, where a lot of people are travelling from different countries and different continents, and often choose to visit other festivals while they're in Germany/Europe. For the reasons described earlier, I think moving them away would result in less activity.
Merging the "Music" with the "Talk"? Hm, I don't know.
I would prefer to test the new categories and sub forums as displayed above first. And when you furthermore think, there are to much subforums, we can still move the festival threads or merge more forums. What do you think about this?
I had a couple other suggestions, too, if you're interested:
I'm always interested in suggestion, you're welcome!
For one, it might be better to separate the "Fragen zum Festival / Questions about the festival" subforum into English and German, and move them to the deutsch/international boards instead of the "Everything about WOA". Not really sure why it needs to be in the section that gets archived after every festival, since a lot of questions apply just the same year after year. And I think a lot of English speakers avoid that area for asking questions, and so they come here. Like, we've got two stickies entirely about Wacken questions. :D I think it'd encourage far more questions (and registrations) by separating them by language like that.
When the new festival ABC is there, we will fill the area with F.A.Q to answers upcoming questions. And off course, we will not delete these posts after the festival. Maybe we will also split them in two subforums for german and english, but I will keep them in Everything about WOA, to have all the information at one category.
Another idea you could consider is adding a subforum in both the German and international sides for practicing the other's language. I've noticed a bunch of people want to learn English/German, but are too nervous to try and talk to the people on the other side, usually because they don't know anyone on the other side, or because they feel like their attempts to practice aren't welcome, or both (on top of the usual fears of making mistakes etc). A separate area entirely designed for that purpose would make people more likely to try it out. Plus, if it works, people from the two sides start to get to know each other, and they'll start posting on the other subforums/"Talk". And then you'll have more activity on both sides.
I like this idea! I will talk to the people in the german board about this.

Well I don't know how the technical stuff of the forum goes, but I imagine you could impose limits that prevent excessive spambot pots but still reduce the 30second limit. Have a max posts per minute, or a 5-10sec rule instead, etc. Or only users with 100/1000/however many posts can post faster. I know one forum prevents you from posting links under 100 posts, so it could be doable.
We are working on a solution to avoid the spambot problems. But the limit has also another reason: The limit reduces the amount of posts which are sent at the same time, to protect the database. Without it, you could overload the database within seconds.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
This is exactly what we planned. :D
Please check the German boards, we did this there now.

The offtopic was included in the talk, because they are basically the same.
The Computer, Videogames and Movies Boards are fused and became the media forum. What do you think about it? We can do the same here.

But at the moment, we will keep the board meetings, at least in the German boards.

Merging the "Music" with the "Talk"? Hm, I don't know.
I would prefer to test the new categories and sub forums as displayed above first. And when you furthermore think, there are to much subforums, we can still move the festival threads or merge more forums. What do you think about this?

Looks good so far, I'd say that's an improvement. Assuming you intend to stick around for awhile, we can change things whenever we feel the need.

When the new festival ABC is there, we will fill the area with F.A.Q to answers upcoming questions. And off course, we will not delete these posts after the festival. Maybe we will also split them in two subforums for german and english, but I will keep them in Everything about WOA, to have all the information at one category.

I don't think the festival ABC is enough, or at least, it hasn't been in the past. It's a good start with the basic questions, but people often have more specific questions that the FAQ doesn't answer. Plus, having questions on the forum gives us (the regulars) the opportunity to share tips and advice beyond just answering the questions.

We are working on a solution to avoid the spambot problems. But the limit has also another reason: The limit reduces the amount of posts which are sent at the same time, to protect the database. Without it, you could overload the database within seconds.

Ah, I can see that. Well, if there's anything that can be done to reduce the time limit in between posts without causing problems like spambots or overloading the database, that'd be appreciated. :)


18 Jan. 2012
Hi folks,
as you can see, I reduced the amount of sub forums in the international forum now. Please check it out and tell me what you think about it. :)


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Oh yea - any chance we could add gender to the profile pages? :D Would save us confusion and embarrassment from having to ask, or rather, calling someone the wrong one (usually mistaking girls for guys, since it's a metal forum). :o:D


18 Jan. 2012
Oh yea - any chance we could add gender to the profile pages? :D Would save us confusion and embarrassment from having to ask, or rather, calling someone the wrong one (usually mistaking girls for guys, since it's a metal forum). :o:D
Nice Idea, I added a provisional option for this, check it out.
When it works proper, we can expand this (symbols instead of text for example).


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Nice Idea, I added a provisional option for this, check it out.
When it works proper, we can expand this (symbols instead of text for example).

Cool. :) Though I'd rather have it on the right side of the profile, along with the birthday/age, registration date, and postcount. But if that can't be done, this works too.