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W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by FuckedUpCat
Is that actually possible?? i think not... heheh
I´ll probably eat whatever I can get my hands on.. I am not that picky

*Isn't picky at all too and can live off junk food for weeks*

Well, you know, I've been going to festivals for many years and I always have that dream of a big, good meal on the campsite with all my drunken metal-friends. And Wacken is pretty close to where I live, and the forumlers from Hamburg already get together to cook and eat once in a while. So it would need some planning, but yes, it would actually be possible.

But it is still a long time off, no worries...


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Jan. 2003
On tour forever (or at least this week)
Originally posted by monochrom
*Isn't picky at all too and can live off junk food for weeks*

Well, you know, I've been going to festivals for many years and I always have that dream of a big, good meal on the campsite with all my drunken metal-friends. And Wacken is pretty close to where I live, and the forumlers from Hamburg already get together to cook and eat once in a while. So it would need some planning, but yes, it would actually be possible.

But it is still a long time off, no worries...

[color=03285B]How about a beer soup? ;) :D


W:O:A Metalhead
31 März 2003
Sundsvall, Sweden
Originally posted by monochrom
*Isn't picky at all too and can live off junk food for weeks*

Well, you know, I've been going to festivals for many years and I always have that dream of a big, good meal on the campsite with all my drunken metal-friends. And Wacken is pretty close to where I live, and the forumlers from Hamburg already get together to cook and eat once in a while. So it would need some planning, but yes, it would actually be possible.

But it is still a long time off, no worries...

well. you are right! It would be nice! :)