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8 Feb. 2011
Rome, Italy
Are wacken-noobs welcome too? Would be nice to know everybody, this is my first metal festival ever (living in brazil didn't really help). I'll try to drop by anyways.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Are wacken-noobs welcome too? Would be nice to know everybody, this is my first metal festival ever (living in brazil didn't really help). I'll try to drop by anyways.

Don't konw (now), but shouldn't be a problem.
But if you want to know the others, I'd suggest writing more often in here, so you get to know the others as well. Always easy before you really go. :)


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Nov. 2007
Toronto, Canada
drink beer and party.
there is lots of stuff going on on the camp grounds.

it's possible to get food at some food stands in the campgrounds and of course you van go to the supermarket in town to get food and stuff.

but yeah basically I party at the campgrounds.

Yes, that time is one of the best times of the festival barring going to shows themselves! But seriously, after the madness of the pre-Wacken campgrounds I feel practically dead by the time Wednesday comes lmao

For some reason I thought I was one of the only ones on the forums to be an early Wacken go-er...thought it was looked down on by most. But I love the madness of the Monday and Tuesday way too much to give it up.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Yes, that time is one of the best times of the festival barring going to shows themselves! But seriously, after the madness of the pre-Wacken campgrounds I feel practically dead by the time Wednesday comes lmao

For some reason I thought I was one of the only ones on the forums to be an early Wacken go-er...thought it was looked down on by most. But I love the madness of the Monday and Tuesday way too much to give it up.

I've never been to wacken on the official opening day haha
always to early, and this will be my 8th time in a row ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
4 Nov. 2007
Toronto, Canada
I've never been to wacken on the official opening day haha
always to early, and this will be my 8th time in a row ;)

Haha, awesome :D

I went to Wacken once on opening day the first year I went (2006). But since then I've vowed to take full advantage of the festival and always arrived on the Monday for a few days of drinking before the festival starts, and had an epic fucking time of it. Usually I think we are in grounds C or B, if you happen to see a Canadian flag flying on a flag pole there in a camp that is populated by a drunken Canadian and 3 drunken Dutchmen it is probably our camp. Feel free to drop by for some beers if you see such signs :p


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Haha, awesome :D

I went to Wacken once on opening day the first year I went (2006). But since then I've vowed to take full advantage of the festival and always arrived on the Monday for a few days of drinking before the festival starts, and had an epic fucking time of it. Usually I think we are in grounds C or B, if you happen to see a Canadian flag flying on a flag pole there in a camp that is populated by a drunken Canadian and 3 drunken Dutchmen it is probably our camp. Feel free to drop by for some beers if you see such signs :p

I'll try, but I'll probably forget when I'm at wacken... :p


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I work hard for my spare time!
I'll try, but I'll probably forget when I'm at wacken... :p

Yes...that is usually my problem...I will try to remedy it this year by being a bit less of a forgetful drunkard lol

There's a solution for this. It's called PM and exchange of cellphone numbers.
Daar is 'n oplossing voor. Het heet PM en gsm-nummers uitwisselen. (in case the gentleman with too much spare time has gone to too drunk ;))