International Forum Meeting during Wacken 2010

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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2007
I should probably show up this time :p
*edit* I vote the viking village... for obvious reasons ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
If the following persons could provide me either number, mail address or PREFERENCES!!!

Since the first are relatively going early, this list closes June 4, 12am CEST. (GMT+2)

All info please via quark0611[at]yahoo[dot]de only!

(For those who will get a phone number in Europe, I can send an update later, it's only you who'll miss it then. But you don't need your own number to call, txt etc. ;))

And some may not be indicated, I'll take care of that myself.

Remember, NO PHONE NUMBER GIVEN = NO LIST! (and also no SMS before the meeting, you'll be on your own! :D)

Have fun!

Push!!! (and read back to the post of the quote in question!!!!!)

Solskinn Av Natten

W:O:A Metalhead
28 März 2008
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Push!!! (and read back to the post of the quote in question!!!!!)

Thanks for the push! And please add me to the list (that is, unless you don't want me, hehe)! :)

From what I understand, we're meeting on Wednesday before WOA, and any interested parties are to mention their contact preferences (SMS or call, or both... or neither :p) as well as pass all contact info to you. Correct?? :D

PMing you now with my NL number. I have an unlocked phone and a NL SIM card from last year's visit. However, maybe a DE one sounds better...


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Thanks for the push! And please add me to the list (that is, unless you don't want me, hehe)! :)

From what I understand, we're meeting on Wednesday before WOA, and any interested parties are to mention their contact preferences (SMS or call, or both... or neither :p) as well as pass all contact info to you. Correct?? :D

PMing you now with my NL number. I have an unlocked phone and a NL SIM card from last year's visit. However, maybe a DE one sounds better...

Meeting will take place the Wednedsay of Wacken! (Aug. 4)

So far, no time is yet known.

If you want to bring in more people, feel free, but I've got the info I need.
This is a forum meeting though. But who cares?



Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
agresionpower (all info known)
Beefcake the Mighty (no info, see 1st post)
Careo+1 (all info)
Cyber999+1 (all info)
DarkCapricorn (all info)
Deathbringer +?? (not all yet)
Drex (all info)
Gash (all info)
IcedTears (all info)
Lady_Wolf? (easy to track down :D/all info)
Loco (all info)
LooseCannon (all info)
Morphinechild78 (all info)
phönix (not all yet)
Quark +1 (Nothing :D)
sautherom (not all yet)
Sipy(?) (we'll see about that)
Solvskinn Av Natten (all info)
xforeverxmetalx (not all yet)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
agresionpower (all info known)
Beefcake the Mighty (no info, see 1st post)
Careo+1 (all info)
Cyber999+1 (all info)
DarkCapricorn (all info)
Deathbringer +?? (not all, on its way)
Drex (all info)
Gash (all info)
IcedTears (all info)
Lady_Wolf? (easy to track down :D/all info)
Loco (all info)
LooseCannon (all info)
Metalviking (all info)
Morphinechild78 (all info)
phönix (treffen uns ;)
Quark +1 (Nothing :D)
sautherom (all info)
Sipy(?) (we'll see about that)
Solvskinn Av Natten (all info)
xforeverxmetalx (not all, on its way)

Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Solskinn Av Natten

W:O:A Metalhead
28 März 2008
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
Meeting will take place the Wednedsay of Wacken! (Aug. 4)

So far, no time is yet known.

If you want to bring in more people, feel free, but I've got the info I need.
This is a forum meeting though. But who cares?


I'm sure we'll figure out a time before August. :p

Don't know if I'll bring anyone, as I have an extra ticket (thanks to the first being lost in the mail) that I'm going to try to sell. But who knows, plans can change and maybe someone will come with me! :D