International Forum Meeting during Wacken 2010

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i won't be able to make it to any forum meeting since i'll be working hard at the WET stage monday and tuesday building the PA system.
Remember, first show wednesday morning, full day of Wacken Metal Battle bands !

If you wanna get to know me, come and say hi at the mixing desk of the WET stage any day of the festival :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien

Did we set up a TIME already?

I'll be in the WET at 12.00 (I hope ;)) to see VoM.

That'll be half an hour.

And I need time to pick up someone as well. So..

Will it be 15.00 (3pm) or 16.00 (4pm)?

I don't mind or care. As long as I know.

Edit Piaf zegt: I'll try to do the German meeting as well. WED. 14.00 (2pm) so.... (but this depends a bit...)


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Dez. 2009
Detroit,MI USA
Sorry if I'm out of the loop, but this is a meeting place for us on the forum? I am on the Facebook group as well, so many of the same people I assume. I'm camping from August 3rd onward, hoping I'll be able to locate friends on the forum :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Sorry if I'm out of the loop, but this is a meeting place for us on the forum? I am on the Facebook group as well, so many of the same people I assume. I'm camping from August 3rd onward, hoping I'll be able to locate friends on the forum :)

Well, if you're in Laila's camp, I'll def. see you, as I camp in the same field (R) as well. (not the same camp though, different one). So in a way we'll be 'neighbours' :)