Info about Wacken and other fests

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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
site is not the most pretty out there, your facts are outdated, and your info is really not written in a professional style, like bitching about other festivals witj bigger names, like holy shit, why would you go and tell that there are bigger and better festivals then wacken but wcken has a good atmosphere, that is kinda stupid if you ask me...
It says that Graspop is in Germany on the list of all festivals...
On obscene extreme you have one line of negative info.. :rolleyes:
Same goes about summerbreeze it is really unprofessional to put stuff like "some goth (blaaah)" on there, it seems to me that you are trying to be über trve & kvlt metal... There are also people who arent as narrow minded as you, and want to see other stuff then just metal. And bithcing about long walks is also ridiculous, if you are going to a festival nobody complains about walkin "so many times a day" you could also just stay on the festval area... :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

got enough feedback?