Immortal split up...

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W:O:A Metalhead
7 Aug. 2002
Avesta, Sweden
Originally posted by Sec
I have a lot of respect for Immortal but I would have a hell of a lot more if they had called it quits afer Blizzard Beasts.
How endlessly tiresome this attitude is. Slayer should have quit after "Reign in Blood", Darkthrone after "Transilvanian Hunger", Mayhem after "Deathcrush", Celtic Frost after "To Mega Therion", Sodom after "Obsessed by Cruelty", etc, etc, ad nauseam.

Also, they should never play live. Or reunite. Or get too popular.


W:O:A Metalhead
4 März 2002
Concerning they were my favourite band since "Battles..." it's not very happy day form me :(.
But I am very glad that I got chance to see them last year live in Wacken.
And positive thing is alsou that they split up still being in top and not trying to make few more sensless albums and then just fade away.
They are always immortal to me!!!

Sorts & going to shop for a bottle of vodka


W:O:A Metalhead
18 Mai 2003
Alfsög, Sweden
Website besuchen
Originally posted by mugabe
How endlessly tiresome this attitude is. Slayer should have quit after "Reign in Blood", Darkthrone after "Transilvanian Hunger", Mayhem after "Deathcrush", Celtic Frost after "To Mega Therion", Sodom after "Obsessed by Cruelty", etc, etc, ad nauseam.

Also, they should never play live. Or reunite. Or get too popular.

You mean that Mayhem should nt have done De Mysteriis? I hope you were not serious man


W:O:A Metalhead
26 März 2003
Brisbane, Australia
Originally posted by mugabe
How endlessly tiresome this attitude is. Slayer should have quit after "Reign in Blood", Darkthrone after "Transilvanian Hunger", Mayhem after "Deathcrush", Celtic Frost after "To Mega Therion", Sodom after "Obsessed by Cruelty", etc, etc, ad nauseam.

Also, they should never play live. Or reunite. Or get too popular.

haha I don't totally agree but Sodom's Obsessed By Cruelty was a high point for me...sorry but that's just how I feel :)


W:O:A Metalhead
23 Apr. 2002
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
I was very disapointed as I heard this news about IMMORTAL. They were one of my favourites bands. You will keep IMMORTAL in my mind guys!!

Thanks a lot to give me the possibility to see them live last years on the Black Stage!!

See you in Hell people!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Dez. 2001
Helltown Ahaus
Originally posted by Lordwalter
I was very disapointed as I heard this news about IMMORTAL. They were one of my favourites bands. You will keep IMMORTAL in my mind guys!!

Thanks a lot to give me the possibility to see them live last years on the Black Stage!!

See you in Hell people!!

Yeah...I´m glad too that I saw them last year *sigh*


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA

When they toured here in 2000 with Satyricon, they played a tiny club in Wheaton, MD called Phantasmagoria (one of our best metal clubs). You were not allowed to smoke inside the club, because it was a record store during the day and not licensed for smoking. So they had a "smoking room" to the side of the stage, where people would hang out before and during the show to get drunk, do drugs, have sex, etc.

At one point Abbath and Horgh came into the smoking room, and me and my friend Ben started talking to them. We asked them if they were going to breathe fire. Abbath says, sadly, "No, we can't do that here, the club owner won't allow us to." So Ben says, "Oh come on! You guys are supposed to be this evil Norwegian black metal band, why would you care what the club owner thinks???" At that point, Abbath proclaims loudly, "Yes! We shall breathe fire and strike fear into the hearts of all!" or something like that.

Sure enough, they breathed fire not once but twice during that show...and I found out later, that was the only show on that tour they actually did that at! A pic of the firebreathing from that show actually went on a Metal Maniacs cover. Never did find out if the club owner complained....but who cares? :D


W:O:A Metalhead
10 Juni 2003
Stockholm, Sweden
Originally posted by Warthog

When they toured here in 2000 with Satyricon, they played a tiny club in Wheaton, MD called Phantasmagoria (one of our best metal clubs). You were not allowed to smoke inside the club, because it was a record store during the day and not licensed for smoking. So they had a "smoking room" to the side of the stage, where people would hang out before and during the show to get drunk, do drugs, have sex, etc.

At one point Abbath and Horgh came into the smoking room, and me and my friend Ben started talking to them. We asked them if they were going to breathe fire. Abbath says, sadly, "No, we can't do that here, the club owner won't allow us to." So Ben says, "Oh come on! You guys are supposed to be this evil Norwegian black metal band, why would you care what the club owner thinks???" At that point, Abbath proclaims loudly, "Yes! We shall breathe fire and strike fear into the hearts of all!" or something like that.

Sure enough, they breathed fire not once but twice during that show...and I found out later, that was the only show on that tour they actually did that at! A pic of the firebreathing from that show actually went on a Metal Maniacs cover. Never did find out if the club owner complained....but who cares? :D

Hahaha, fucking awsome. I loved phantasmagoria (r.i.p.), saw many many good shows there....


The Killer

28 Feb. 2007

Nice to hear that someone hasn't forgotten about Phantas, no matter how old that was. The problem with the fire blowing was that we had really strict fire code violations and could have been shut down at any time for people doing shit like that. They were looking for any excuse to end that place, and they did eventually find it by not repealing the Entertainment Tax in Montgomery county. Consider it a bit of insider info from a former employee. The guy who owned the place was great, always paid us wether he made any money or not, all he was concerened about was being able to get the music out to the kids(any age), doing it cheaply, and safely. The man was a fucking hero in my book, and when that place ended, he ended. All respect is his for being the last cowboy in the west.