I quit....

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W:O:A Metalhead
9 Mai 2008
Je me suis inscrite rien que pour pouvoir te dire combien je suis fière de toi!
Tu vas y arriver mon amour et je suis la pour t'aider du mieux que je peux!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Flauwe grappen of andere botte opmerkingen mag u voor u houden, da kann ich jetzt wirklich auf verzichten!
(here we go...)

Coremümmel schrieb:
*Een flauwe kutopmerking van een jaloers jongetje, dat niet weet wat hij met z'n vrije tijd moet doen, en dus maar mensen gaat vervelen met ambetante flauwe botte opmerkingen, zodat hij weer wat aandacht kan krijgen*
-Daarom gecensureerd (note: Q)-

'n Klap op je bakkes nodig jongen? Of hoe zit 't!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalmaster
30 Nov. 2007
Oahu, Hawaii
Hey man you can and will do it, if you really want to. Owen is a damned good reason to quit. Remember, you're his true idol, what he sees daddy do, he'll want to do as well. Set the good example and he'll follow it. And of course the health reason is a good one, you want to be around and healthy for him for a long long time. And he wants that too. Maybe you can think of the money you'ld spend on smoking each week, and put that into a savings account for owen. Turning a bad expense into a good investment. Just an idea. But do it for yourself first, you only have one life and one body, take care of it, and it will take care of you! Good luck man!


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Mai 2008
goed gedaan! alle begin is moeilijk, keep up the good work!
nu is het misschien kut, maar als je er door heen bent zal je je er zelf ook beter bij voelen, want je reuk en je smaak vermogen zullen aanzienlijk verbeteren.


*off topic*
Hoi Naïk! hoe gaat het ermee? leuk je ook hier te zien.
Goed dank je. Vroeger las ik af en toe maar hier had ik een goed reden om iets te zeggen

Hey man you can and will do it, if you really want to. Owen is a damned good reason to quit. Remember, you're his true idol, what he sees daddy do, he'll want to do as well. Set the good example and he'll follow it. And of course the health reason is a good one, you want to be around and healthy for him for a long long time. And he wants that too. Maybe you can think of the money you'ld spend on smoking each week, and put that into a savings account for owen. Turning a bad expense into a good investment. Just an idea. But do it for yourself first, you only have one life and one body, take care of it, and it will take care of you! Good luck man!

Totally agree! And I told him he'll get from me the money of one year tabacco! And I'm sure he'll pull it off! Surely with all of you encouraging him!