i need poeple to go to wacken 03 with me

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17 Dez. 2002
milton keynes

my name is paul, (mordred_the_dark) and i live in milton keynes in england, i am hoping to go to wacken 03, but my parents won't let me go unless i'm with some people, around my age.
i am 16. i am going to camp in wacken at the festival ground, and i am hoping to get there by coach from milton keynes bus station, but if you guys hav any alternative travel that i could join in with, then that is cool.

please please please help me by joining me on my first trip to wacken,

thanks very much.


W:O:A Metalhead
14 Dez. 2002
If you can't find anybody to go with then buy a ticket on the Argon coach (www.argon-direct.com) :) We're one big happy family of UK metalheads and you'll fit right in. I went with a friend, but after my experience last year, I'd be perfectly happy to go on my own. We met loads of people and still stay in touch over the internet, we've even arranged to camp with them next year.

At the festival itself I wandered off and met many people from all over the world, I got insanely drunk and seem to remember giving a cigar to a Norwegian bloke. Then somebody gave me a bottle of liquor! It has to be the friendliest festival in the world.

If you go on the Argon coach then you'd have no problem meeting people to camp with - you'd probably even meet us and end up having the metal experience of a lifetime :) Basically, you should come to Wacken, it's amazing.

Oh, and a word of warning... the coach journey to Wacken is hell. I had to travel 24 hours, by the end of the journey I'd turned to alcohol to get me through :) This year Argon are offering an alternative package for £80 more which means only 4 hours by coach (and 8 hours by ferry, but it has a bar so it'll be fun :)) so I know how I'm getting to Wacken!


W:O:A Metalhead
dont forget that if you choose the ferry option you dont get there untill *i think* 12:30 on FRIDAY!! ........but could be more like 2:30 or later if there is any delays
ok so there may not be any good bands on then ....but what about thursday ? Argon fail to notice that there is bands playing on the thursday ....and the festival IS actually advertised as a 3 day festival

i would much rather fly there and get there thursday early afternoon .....and actually if you get your Wacken ticket in the advance sale and book your flight to Hamburg at this time of year it does not work out too much more expensive .....i know for sure its a lot less traveling time ....23 hours on a coach was HELL

one more thing ...dont even think about the hotel option ...it aint worth it ...plus you miss part of the whole experience ...sure its better than not going at all :)

my sugestion ....avoid Argon and fly to Hamburg for not a lot more than the ferry option :) thats what i am doing
if you go for just the coach option .... then i am sure you will fly the next time you go ...or maybe i just was spoilt by flying there the first time (soooo much easier)...and second time going by coach
one good thing about Argon is there will be plenty of others around your age ...so you can go on your own if you cant get anyone to go


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
actually I´m wondering why you guys even consider the option of going by coach with all those dumping-price-airlines we have nowadays! ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Agreed...Argon seems to perennially forget that there's really a third day to the festival. I bought the hotel option this year, and ended up skipping the first night of hotel and staying in a tents with two guys I met on the bus because I would've missed Doro, Blaze, and Rose Tattoo otherwise. I'll concur with Aegir - the hotel option is a waste! With the hour+ drive to and from Hamburg, you have barely four hours to shower and sleep before it's time to go again.

I didn't think the coach trip was THAT bad, but then again, I've done worse. It is a good way to make friends before you hit the actual festival. For a yank like me thousands of miles from home, that experience was priceless.

Plus, the ferry option for next year WILL skip a good portion of the festival, most likely, and we don't want that, now do we?

I'd say flying in might be good if you can find some friends and OK it by your folks. Otherwise, Argon might be cheaper, more likely to meet your parents' approval, and a bit more fun in the long run.

Just don't get trapped on the bus with the puking Welshman like I did!!! lol!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
My coach trip from Barcelona sucked big time. I didn't make many new friends (no one, actually), because those people from Barcelona spoke always in Catalan, instead of Spanish, even when they knew I couldn't understand their fucking ugly language (and they all were bilingual).


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
My coach trip from Barcelona sucked big time. I didn't make many new friends (no one, actually), because those people from Barcelona spoke always in Catalan, instead of Spanish, even when they knew I couldn't understand their fucking ugly language (and they all were bilingual).

Shit, that sucks! That must have been a long trip too :( (one guy I met from Portugal said his trip was 40 hours...shit!). Even the guys on the UK bus were kind enough to pronounce things a bit more for me once they found out I was a "bloody yank", heh. I'm guessing you're flying in direct next year?


W:O:A Metalhead
14 Dez. 2001
i am glad that i live hust half an hour away from wacken (by car). so it has nevr been a problem for me to get to the festival. but next year i will be at my girlfriend's placs before wacken so i have to drive about 500 kilometers, but i'm sure the travel will be big fun!!! BEEEEER AND METAAAAL!!!
i also think that it would be a waste to come to the festival on friday! the party at the days before is too cool to miss it! next year i will already be there on sunday the week before the festival!
and by the way: if you come on friday you will miss RUNNING WILD!!!


W:O:A Metalhead
14 Dez. 2001
i saw them live only once (on tour... about two years ago), although i live quite near to them. the concert was really cool! when they played "prisoners of our time" the whole audience was singing along with them! really great!