I know this is a bit last minute

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W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Hooray for 11th Hour changes of plan...

Is anyone going to be leaving from Hamburg on Thursday?

My train will be rolling in to the Bahnhof early-ish in the day (still have to confirm times). From then, I have to make my way on to Wacken.

If anyone would be so kind as to spare me a lift, I'd be happy to chip in for some fuel and refreshments. :D

It's not a big deal, though...I'll make it to Wacken one way or another.

I can be reached via email: scotty@wacken.us. I'm flying out tomorrow morning - will be in London by tomorrow night, Brussels on Wednesday evening. Thanks in advance!!! :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
27 Dez. 2001
Yeah, but I say this thread too late. He´s already on the way and I really doubt if he got email on the plane :)

So what, I gonna mail him, may be we can check something out...