How tall are you?:D

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W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
I am not a politician, but shooting people just like that...and you are going to kick my ass, as you said.. so I have pointed out a circle round your city and wrote: beware! :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by BlueOyster
It's all to do with protecting the birds :D


Fuck the stupid birds and their shit eco-system! I wanna have the biggest party in europe back! I wanna see the strangest rag-tag crowd of pot-smokin, beer-filled, screaming, banging, raging fuckin' Metalheads again. I wanna get lost on the giant campground and not find my way back again and end up with some belian punks on acid! I wanna see 100m pits again! I wanna wreck my fucking bones in them! I wanna fall in love with all the pretty liquor seller-meisjes again! I wanna see bands again who are so much on drugs that they can't find the friggin stage!