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Sister Vulcana

W:O:A Metalhead
26 Nov. 2001
jolifanto bambla o falli bambla
großiga m'pfa habla horem
egiga goramen
higo bloiko russula huju
hollaka hollala
anlogo bung
blago bung blago bung
bosso fataka
ü üü ü
schampa wulla wussa olobo
hej tatta gorem
eschige zunbada
wulubu ssubudu uluwu ssubudu
tumba ba-umf
kusa gauma
ba - umf

Das ist "Karawane" von Hugo Ball/Tristan Tzara

Sister Vulcana

W:O:A Metalhead
26 Nov. 2001

"Some fallen angel had come to me and fell too heavy on my soul. And stole from me the love, that I heard lords of time say never dies..."

Sister Vulcana

W:O:A Metalhead
26 Nov. 2001
Father come save us from this
Madness we're under
God of creation are we blind?
Cause some here are slaves
That worship guns that spit thunder
The children that you've made
Have lost the minds

This monster that we call the earth
Is bleeding
Cause the children have been
Left along too long
This thing that we've made is fat
And feeds on the hate
Of the millions that it's taught to sing
The song

The headless children
The screams that fill the night
Fill the night fill the night fill the night
Oh the headless children
The madness steals the light
Steals the light steals the light steals the light

Time bombs in the hands of all the wicked warbabies
Light the fuse of temptation and we all burn
Four horsemen sit high up in the saddle
And waiting are ride the bloody trail of no return

Sleeping in the arms of a nightmare and
Wake to find we've been away too long
This Frankenstein of flash
Stitched together back from death
And preying on the souls of everyone

The headless children
The screams that fill the night
Fill the night fill the night fill the night
Oh the headless children
The madness steals the light
Steals the light steals the light steals the light