HOA 2010

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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Amongst other things, yes.

My google-fu is strong.:D

I remember a science class where I think it was mentioned that we're running out of tungsten. So I was wondering about the light bulbs. Don't ask me how I remember that. :confused::D

Good for you. Seriously. Shouldn't get any stupid questions from you then. :D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
I never ask stupid questions. I am so smart... S-M-R-T.....:o


There are smart people that can't spell, so that could easily happen actually. :o

Like a friend of mine's dyslexic [you'll meet her at HOA]... very smart, but her trying to type Spewtilator, a local band from here, ended up as Spewkfjnaoeif. :D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Darn, i neet to worg on thad. Bud I wil gett batter soon I prmosie.:D:D

You messed it up as well... but then, I think many news stations will.

The icelandic volcano Späznyllafjolwmbukö has erupted again..

...in Iceland, the volcano Spwenökyllengwalöku erupted one hour ago, spewing lava and ash into the sky....

...new eruption from the volcano Spwällaflyjök in Iceland...



Actually the rule is, it's Spew+random letters. So anything after the initial "spew" can and will change every time. :D

Spewskfnsköäñakcmla still causing flight delays... :o:D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007

When and how long exactly, d'you already know that?:cool:

Somewhere in between Dong and HOA, exact enough? :D

Basically me and my friend don't really have any plans for that time period, so we'll just be hanging around that general area doing whatever we feel like.
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