HOA 2009

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W:O:A Metalmaster
27 Dez. 2001
oki, thanx :)

See you soon! :D

Btw, we'll be two persons and have two igloo tents, if you can keep a spot for us that'll be awesome :)
We'll have a car too, but no need to park it where we camp if there's no room for it.

Sure i will try :) After RockHardFestival I have to start the Camp-plan with the guys from Rockhard-Forum. Guess and hope some of us (including me) will be there Thursday morning. HOPEFULLY...seems to be extremely crowded this year!

Lord Soth

1000 people.. now that's small :)
probably good for the atmosphere.

Even Wacken with 15-30k back in 1997-1999 felt small, in a way... so, yeah, I agree. Familiar yet still varied.:)

I'm eager to see and feel the actual HOA atomsphere this year, will be my first time.....;)

Lookin forward to meeting you and the rest of the bastard bunch of douchebags there again!:p:D

Lord Soth

but you're using it in plural, I'm still only one gnoff! :D

I thought you had multiple personalities?:confused::o:p:p

So gubbe is singular? I'll have to remember that.:D;)

Though 'gubbar' sounds way funnier...., gubbe-gnoff!:p

Gubbe gubbe gubbar gubb...*chuckles*:D