Hit 5,000 before WOA 2003?

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W:O:A Metalhead
8 Jan. 2003
Near Paris, France
Website besuchen
The longest part for me will be from gamma ray to Subway to sally... 4 bands I want to see in a row... phew...

The one good thing is I want have to move far to see the groups since they're on the true metal/black stage.

I jjust hope Subway to Sally is as god as 2 years ago. But I do hope people will stop crowd surfing from back to front... that pisses me off no end... I spent more time looking behind my shoulders than looking at the stage :(


W:O:A Metalmaster
22 Mai 2002
Leider Schweden
Originally posted by calonderiel
The longest part for me will be from gamma ray to Subway to sally... 4 bands I want to see in a row... phew...

The one good thing is I want have to move far to see the groups since they're on the true metal/black stage.

I jjust hope Subway to Sally is as god as 2 years ago. But I do hope people will stop crowd surfing from back to front... that pisses me off no end... I spent more time looking behind my shoulders than looking at the stage :(
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