Ah, I see you've taken this topic as a very good excuse to spam
Anyway, I have some time decided not to drink ytoo much at home anymore, this measurement of course does not apply if there's beer in my home.
Eh, as for music, yeah,. of course I like metal, mainly Power/heavy, but I do appreciate Death metal (Bolt Thrower and God Dethroned come to mind

), and BLack (Immortal being a definite #1, other than them I don't care much for the true BM stuff), and every sub-sub genre you can imagine (well, most of them anyway).
As for spamming, beer, metal or girls, and which is the most addictive, I'd say, in order of addictiveness:
Metal> not a day without it, if I can help it!
Beer> definately need a couple of beers once in a while
Spamming> well, this is what I do most (after listening to Metal), but somehow doesn' have the same priority to me as a good beer does

Girls> ah, what can I say, I'm no casanova, so a girl has to be pretty special before I decide to to something (note, girls generally increase in special-ness while drinking beer

NP: Mago De Oz - Fiesta Pagana \m/