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W:O:A Metalhead
1 März 2004
Holon, Israel
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Originally posted by Hammered_gods
Everbody would become racist after few years of living next to house full of gypseys. They dont work, are into most of prostiution and steal everything. Then in fact whole czech republic would be rasistic nation.

bullshit. in my case I would have to start hating russians, romanians, chinees , arabs, and lots of others. you don't see me doing that, right ?


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Originally posted by MrHellRaiser
bullshit. in my case I would have to start hating russians, romanians, chinees , arabs, and lots of others. you don't see me doing that, right ?

Everyone, I said everyone would want see them all dead. And thats right. You never saw them in czech. so you have no right to judge. They destroy every house the live in. In Slovakia they started to steal things from shops cause the were crying that they have nothing to eat. When they dont want to work. They had to send army there. Of course that those bastards were crying cause they beat them cause they deserved it. One my metalhead friend was living there and he says it was horrible and of course that he hates them too.


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
NOW it is getting really silly and dumb, Ivy... :rolleyes:
Are you sure you want to discuss your stupid political opinion with a guy from Israel?! Better think about who you are talking to. He will know more about racism and its consequences than you for sure :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalhead
1 März 2004
Holon, Israel
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Hammered_gods
Everyone, I said everyone would want see them all dead. And thats right. You never saw them in czech. so you have no right to judge. They destroy every house the live in. In Slovakia they started to steal things from shops cause the were crying that they have nothing to eat. When they dont want to work. They had to send army there. Of course that those bastards were crying cause they beat them cause they deserved it. One my metalhead friend was living there and he says it was horrible and of course that he hates them too.

so what ? you can never say that all of them are like it. what you see in ur case is a small amount of fuckheads who make a bad name for their whole race. eventually you don't see the good guys, 'cause they don't draw that much attention to them... nevermind the fact that there are much more of them. try looking at the whole big picture for once.


W:O:A Metalhead
1 März 2004
Holon, Israel
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Lucretia
NOW it is getting really silly and dumb, Ivy... :rolleyes:
Are you sure you want to discuss your stupid political opinion with a guy from Israel?! Better think about who you are talking to. He will know more about racism and its consequences than you for sure :rolleyes:

hail !
i wonder where's the guy from lebanon ...


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
Originally posted by MrHellRaiser
so what ? you can never say that all of them are like it. what you see in ur case is a small amount of fuckheads who make a bad name for their whole race. eventually you don't see the good guys, 'cause they don't draw that much attention to them... nevermind the fact that there are much more of them. try looking at the whole big picture for once.

yepps. Just like every intelligent person would see it. Ah well, I forgot, Hammered_Gods is pround of not being reasonable for sure :rolleyes: :D

Originally posted by MrHellRaiser
hail !
i wonder where's the guy from lebanon ...

also hailz :D
dunno, but I guess I saw him around yesterday...


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by MrHellRaiser
so what ? you can never say that all of them are like it. what you see in ur case is a small amount of fuckheads who make a bad name for their whole race. eventually you don't see the good guys, 'cause they don't draw that much attention to them... nevermind the fact that there are much more of them. try looking at the whole big picture for once.

The right words, but you know about pearls before swine...


W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Originally posted by MrHellRaiser
don't you just hate it when people blame others for their own in-abilities ?

yepppppppp indeed man. ive been beat up by 5 black guys before and being called a white bastard! but ivana youi dont see me being racist do you! and 5 against one is just fucking cowardice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
Originally posted by MrHellRaiser
so what ? you can never say that all of them are like it. what you see in ur case is a small amount of fuckheads who make a bad name for their whole race. eventually you don't see the good guys, 'cause they don't draw that much attention to them... nevermind the fact that there are much more of them. try looking at the whole big picture for once.

Fuck no. You know shit about it. maybe one of 10 000 gypseys has high school. They dont need to go to work, they are into prostitution thats all they do. Girls leaves school so they can fuck with german tourists. Wonderfull huh?!?

We dont have black people in czech. Just few. Main problem are gypseys. That fucking scum.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
Website besuchen
And please MrHellRaiser, dont even try to post your comment about that cause you dont live in czech. Czech republic is full of crime and most of it is caused by gypseys. Our neibours bought house next to us cause they were living in one house with gypseys and they had a lot of problems with them.


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
as I said, its getting funny :rolleyes:
actually I was living in a district here which was controlled by the albanian-gypsy-mafia... well, its was a bit strange or maybe even dangerous sometimes, but what the fuck :p