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The Raven

W:O:A Metalhead
21 Jan. 2004
Bangalore, India
Originally posted by monochrom
That sounds like an extremely nice and expensive idea. But why should there be a problem with the visum?

man, there are a few procedures i have to go through to get to Wacken.

i need a letter from either Holger or someone from the wacken office to tell the German Consulate that i'm coming there for a few days for the festival and that i'll be staying at the 'camp', etc...this can be tackled

then there's this other thing...i cannot apply for a tourist visa cause there are a lot of asians who disappear on a tourist visa....

these are just a few of them concerns, there are others like - i have to show financial stability (which is in the pits - who wants to save - drink and be merry!!!).....

phew!! :)

The Raven

W:O:A Metalhead
21 Jan. 2004
Bangalore, India
Originally posted by monochrom
Too fucking hot for this cold-loving creature for sure. But in my opinion the weather in the Breisgau is too hot already. :D

Still would like to visit India - I hope that by continental drift India eventually rams its way up to Siberia, when they will have a climate much more to my liking.

Just land here, climate can be regulated....:)


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Okt. 2002
@ mono
but you can be assured that I wont come with you then :D :p

@ The Raven
ah fuck... the old problem, I´ve heard similar stories from guys from Russia and South Africa too... so lets hope everything goes well!


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by The Raven
man, there are a few procedures i have to go through to get to Wacken.

i need a letter from either Holger or someone from the wacken office to tell the German Consulate that i'm coming there for a few days for the festival and that i'll be staying at the 'camp', etc...this can be tackled

then there's this other thing...i cannot apply for a tourist visa cause there are a lot of asians who disappear on a tourist visa....

these are just a few of them concerns, there are others like - i have to show financial stability (which is in the pits - who wants to save - drink and be merry!!!).....

phew!! :)

That sounds really fucked - have you mailed Holger already? These guys are not always the fastest ones...

The Raven

W:O:A Metalhead
21 Jan. 2004
Bangalore, India
Originally posted by monochrom
When is it the coldest in Bangalore?

bangalore's coldest between october - january.

you see, bangalore was this unassuming city. it used to rain here 8-9 months in a year and the other 3-4 months would be winter.

but then the trees hit the ground since the IT revolution 10 years back, ever since this city has gotten fucked. i mean summer, which i hate, has started to creep in in the middle of winter (which is now)...

kill the MNCs


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by The Raven
bangalore's coldest between october - january.

you see, bangalore was this unassuming city. it used to rain here 8-9 months in a year and the other 3-4 months would be winter.

but then the trees hit the ground since the IT revolution 10 years back, ever since this city has gotten fucked. i mean summer, which i hate, has started to creep in in the middle of winter (which is now)...

kill the MNCs

That sounds really fucked - our climate in here Germany has pretty much degenerated in the last fifteen years, too.

Hmm, my parents are planning to visit the south of india sometime soon, probably next October or something, so I might just join them...
Much too early for amny concrete plans, though.

The Raven

W:O:A Metalhead
21 Jan. 2004
Bangalore, India
Originally posted by monochrom
That sounds really fucked - our climate in here Germany has pretty much degenerated in the last fifteen years, too.

Hmm, my parents are planning to visit the south of india sometime soon, probably next October or something, so I might just join them...
Much too early for amny concrete plans, though.

Join them! Period.
tell you what, you get here and we shall take off to the hills for a coupla days, man! pack the underwear and the vodka.